Parvathi Plantations, Bevinahalli are eager to enter into sales of quality sandalwood seedling. Parvathi Plantations have an 6 ha. of sandal based agroforestry model demoplot setup with an MoU with Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Bangalore.
We Guarantee the quality of the seedlings...
Parvathi Plantations, Bevinahalli are eager to enter into sales of quality sandalwood seedling. Parvathi Plantations have an 6 ha. of sandal based agroforestry model demoplot setup with an MoU with Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Bangalore.
We Guarantee the quality of the seedlings...
Quality Planting Material (QPM) of sandalwood seedlings and seeds for sale.
Parvathi Plantations, Bevinahalli are eager to enter into sales of quality sandalwood seedling. Parvathi Plantations have an 6 ha. of sandal based agroforestry model demoplot setup with an MoU with Institute of Wood...