
  1. E

    Aci plant material:

    ACI Plant material stands for sustainable farming and better opportunities for our rural farmers, their families and our planet. The ACI Plant material program enables farmers to learn better farming methods, improve working conditions and take better care of their children and the...
  2. E

    High tech green house consultancy.

    Dear Friends, We ACI AGRO SOLUTION providing all type assistance in Green House from Beginning to end. OUR SERVICES: 1. Project preparation 2. In house crop consultancy and product buy back guarantee. 3. Bank finance and provide Govt subsidy. From NHM scheme 75 % subsidy to small &...
  3. E

    PAPAYA (Papita) A TO Z Solution.

    Dear Friends, Very good business opportunity in India for Papaya ( Taiwan, Red Lady ) plantation. Our Research team assist you all of help regarding Loan sanction, subsidy and buy back guarantee, plant pathology, high tech cultivation practices. Our Services : 1. To collect soil & water...
  4. N

    papaya,pine apple,bitter gourd and green g4 chilli

    want to buy......papaya,pine apple,bitter gourd and green g4 chilli
  5. K

    Papain Harvesting and Marketing

    we have 2500 plants of Papaya at Nilambur, Malapuram District, Kerala, India. The harvest will be ready in 3 months by september 2013. We need advice on its marketing and any other opportunities related to it. Also information regarding extraction of papain and commercial opportunities...
  6. K

    Papaya / Papain For Sale

    We are producing papaya in 4 acres, almost 2500 plants. Expecting harvest in 3 months around September 2013. 25000kg of Papaya. Situated at Nilambur, Malapuram District, Kerala, India. Contact at +919447053192
  7. V

    After reaping papaya what to grow next?

    I have heard from many that papaya crop should not be repeated. Kindly advice what other short duration fruit crop can be taken? Thanks Vivek
  8. B

    Market for Papaya Saplings

    We are considering selling papaya saplings from our farm in Nicaragua both to companies and individuals. Would there be a market for papaya saplings or should we consider something else. Ideally we would be selling them at discounted rates to the poorer individuals in the local communities as...
  9. I

    Looking for papaya red lady saplings

    Looking for red lady papaya saplings. If any one has contacts pls share. If u have references in and around banagalore pls let me know. Would also like to visit the farm already growing red Lady papaya. Pls let me know contacts.
  10. I

    Papaya Plantation Near Hubli

    If anyone has done Papaya plantation in and around hubli, Please let me know your contacts. If you could provide information on what variety, what stage it is etc would be helpful.
  11. T

    Wanted papaya consultancy

    We have 10 acres of land @ Dindigul, we are plan to cultivate Papaya, we need consultancy for this project. Pls contact us
  12. F

    Want buyer for Red Lady papaya breed

    I searching for Red Lady papaya breed buyer i have the farm in Erode ready to make direct consignment for the customer in chennai.
  13. K

    Agro forestry seeds required

    Dear all, Please feel free to contact me on if you have any of the following . seeds: Papaya Meethi neem Satavari seeds Katanga bamboo seeds Akarkala Sandal ( Chandan ) Lemon (Nibu) Kathal (Jack fruit) Khamer Plants: Sarpgandha Kunal Soni Greenfield Agro Forestry Products Jabalpur
  14. B

    Taiwanese papaya crop for sale on contract basis

    Hello, We have about 15 acres of papaya cultivation. It is Taiwanese variety and is export quality. Do let us know if anyone wants yearly delivery of fruits. Thanks, -Mohan
  15. B

    Medicine for Virus on Papaya

    Dear All, We, Vasumitra Life Energies Pvt. Ltd., are launching a product which works as excellent remedy for viral attacks on Papaya, Tomato, cucumber, chilly and all kinds of melons. We have conducted trials all over Maharashtra for above crops and in Guntur, Andhrapradesh for Papaya. The...
  16. H

    Papaya Seeds - Papaya F1 Hybrid Seeds - FOR SALE

    Papaya Seeds - F1 Hybrid Papaya Seeds - High yielding F1 hybrid papaya seeds from USA adapted for growing conditions in India, Sri Lanka, Phillippines, Vietnam Taiwan and China. Seeds are shipped to destination at discounted prices. Message us for pricing. PAPAYA SEEDS - F1 Hybrid Red Heart...
