organic manure

  1. R

    attenTion - mediCinal plantS culTivators; iNcrease yOur profiT maRgin

    mediCinal plantS culTivators; iNcrease quality & quantity of PRODUCE Progro is a liquid organic plant protector and growth promoter, which can be used in all types of Medicinal Plants. Progro works in 3 ways: 1.Substantially increases the crop yield through proper plant nutrition. 2.Improves...
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    iNcrease yOur profiT from steVia plantS

    Progro is a liquid organic plant protector and growth promoter which can be used in STEVIA cultivation. Progro works in 3 ways: 1.Substantially increases the crop yield through proper plant nutrition. 2.Improves plant immunity against diseases. 3.Powerful Pest repellent It is very easy to use...
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    iNcrease yOur profiT from agricultuRe

    Progro makes organic farming easy and profitable. It will help you in reducing your cost of cultivation and improve your profits. Progro is a liquid organic plant protector as well as growth promoter which can be used on all types of cultivation like Tea Garden, Mango Orchids, Medicinal...
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    iNcrease yOur profiT from agricultuRe

    Progro is a liquid organic plant protector and growth promoter which can be used in all types of cultivation like Tea Garden, Mango Orchids, Medicinal Plants, vegetables, paddy and any other crop. Progro works in 3 ways: 1.Substantially increases the crop yield through proper plant...
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    Natural and easy substitute to Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides

    Progro is a liquid organic plant protector and growth promoter which can be used in all types of cultivation like Tea Garden, Mango Orchids, Medicinal Plants, or any other crop. This product can help you replace both chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides over a period of time. It...
  6. R

    Plant protector and growth promoter-100% organic and herbal

    Progro is a liquid organic plant protector and growth promoter, which is useful in all types of cultivation like Tea Garden, Mango Orchids, Medicinal Plants, or any other crop. This single product can help you replace both chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides over a period of time...
  7. R

    useful for stevia growers / cultivators

    Progro is a liquid organic plant protector and growth promoter, which can be used in stevia as well as all types of Medicinal Plants cultivation. It is 100% natural and safe for humans and environment. A single product can help you replace both chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides...
  8. R

    very Useful for medicinal plant growers / cultivators

    Progro is a liquid organic plant protector and growth promoter, which can be used in all types of Medicinal Plants. It is 100% natural and safe for humans and environment. This product can help you replace both chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides over a period of time. It is...
  9. N

    Coleus Cutting & Dry roots

    We have coleus cutting for 50 Acres available readily at our Farm near Chennai. The best price is Rs 2500/Acre ex-farm. High quality cutting from the best variety plants through organic cultivation. Our Own coleus dry roots of 10 Tons available for sale.High quality with forskolin content of...
  10. S

    organic manure

    ndia first gel type organic manure available to get extra 23% yield for paddy and vegetables and all crops india organic certification product
  11. S

    Gel type organic manure

    india first gel type organic manure available to get extra 23% yield for paddy and vegetables and all crops india organic certification product
  12. E

    vermi compost for sale

    good quality vermi compost more than 1000 Mt is available with us. Please contact us for the supply of the vermi compost. We can supply throughout india and abroad.
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    Dry Stevia Leaves available for sale

    Soil water analysis device Soil and water analysis is first step for scientific and high technology intensive agriculture. The nutrient management and land improvement is done on the basis of analysis report. The govt laboratories take a lot of time to give the report. The farmers use the input...
  14. H

    Available bulk quantity of Jatropha

    Contract Farming by HCMS Contract Farming by HCMS Hahnemann charitable mission society 1996, an ISO certified NGO providing consultancy services in the agric sector. We have been successfully working since 1996, for the large-scale development of organic, aromatic, medicinal and Jatropha...
  15. H

    Organic Mannure Is Available

    Dear all, We Hahnemann Charitable Mission society Based ISO 9001:2000 Certified Non Government organization we have been promoting Medicinal,Horticultural,Jetropha and aromatic Plantation since then and Give time to time input to the farmers from technology to marketing all over India. We...
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    Neem based Organic Manure

    Neem based Organic Manure Neem is a medium sized to large tree characterized by its short, straight bole, furrowed, dark brown to gray bark, and dense rounded crown of pinnate leaves. The Neem seeds, Barks, Leafs, are the sources of various Neem extracts. HCMS is leading ISO 9001...
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    Neem manure

    Neem Manure available in large quantity. It is good for insect pest protection in plnats. It is good for organic cultivation.We can supply 100 Mt Neem manure per month.
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    We can supply the organic vermi compost. 100 mt materail is in stock. The rate is also competative it is good source of micro and macro nutrient. It is good for soil health.
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    Organic manure

    We, Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society, are a Jaipur based ISO 9001:2000 Certified non government organization. We have been promoting medicinal, horticultural, Jatropha and Aromatic plantation since then and giving time to time input to the farmers from technology to marketing all over India...
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    Training for organic manure!!!

    Organic manure is derived from decayed plant/animal matter. Organic fertilizer supplies a natural process to seasonally strengthen the nutrients of your soil. It step-ups the power of the soil to bind moisture and deters insects and weeds without utilizing chemical insect powder or weed killer...
