18 Acres of Agricultural land first Bit on road, with good ground water at Doulapur village, Jagdevpur Mandal, Medak Dist. near Hyderabad (70 KM from Hyderabad).
This land can grow almost any type of crops, has mixed type of soil.
Also available in smaller bits, approach road charges...
30 Acres of Very Fertile Agricultural Land for Sale at Doulapur, Jagdevpur, Medak - 70 KM from Hyderabad, Just 200 Furlong from The Main Road. Can be used for a variety of crops, Good ground water.
Also available in smaller bits, approach road charges extra. You can have farm house on it too...
Flowchem Process Equipments’ FPE 150 Agro Shredder is designed to work quickly and efficiently, providing total safety at low cost. The primary function of this quality product is to shred the organic material, used to generate organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer is natural source for organic...
Flowchem Process Equipments’ FPE 150 Agro Shredder is designed to work quickly and efficiently, providing total safety at low cost. The primary function of this quality product is to shred the organic material, used to generate organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer is natural source for organic...
Flowchem Process Equipments’ FPE 150 Agro Shredder is designed to work quickly and efficiently, providing total safety at low cost. The primary function of this quality product is to shred the organic material, used to generate organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer is natural source for organic...
Flowchem Process Equipments’ FPE 150 Agro Shredder is designed to work quickly and efficiently, providing total safety at low cost. The primary function of this quality product is to shred the organic material, used to generate organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer is natural source for organic...
Flowchem Process Equipments’ FPE 150 Agro Shredder is designed to work quickly and efficiently, providing total safety at low cost. The primary function of this quality product is to shred the organic material, used to generate organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer is natural source for organic...
Flowchem Process Equipments’ FPE 150 Agro Shredder is designed to work quickly and efficiently, providing total safety at low cost. The primary function of this quality product is to shred the organic material, used to generate organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer is natural source for organic...
Flowchem Process Equipments’ FPE 150 Agro Shredder is designed to work quickly and efficiently, providing total safety at low cost. The primary function of this quality product is to shred the organic material, used to generate organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer is natural source for organic...
Dear Sir/Madam,
It gives us immense pleasure to inform Our fellow farmers and agri enterpreneurs, on having introduced an Organic Bio Substitute of Synthetic DAP,Chemical Fertilizers.
After years of painstaking research,We have developed a Bio Organic Granular Fertilizer "PANCHAMRIT" ...
We at Bamboo Rustles have a small piece of land located about 2 hours from Bangalore near Krishnagiri near the town of Vepannapalli. Our piece of land is located within a beautiful valley of dry deciduous and scrub forest.
On this small piece of land we have initiated the process of organic...
I am from Gujarat and want to start organic farm. My vision is to provide high quality food on reasonable price to people of india. I hate to see people eating slow poision everyday and also hate big players are charging premium price on organic food.
I do not have land, knowledge...
Dear Sir
We can supply the following items.
Organic Seeds, 22 items.
Organic Fertilizers Panchagavya
Organic Pesticides prepared from Desi Cow Urine.
Organic Manure Vermi Compost prepared from Cow Dung.
Please contact
V Sudhindranath, Advocate Bangalore.
Mobile +91 99450...
Dear All,
We are having 15 Different Types of Organic Fertilizer Which are manufactured in Karnataka and have all certificate for using these products.
Our products are using all over India and got good Result in terms of yield, pest control, Fungus control and water Management.
Dear Sir
We can supply the following items in bulk.
Organic Seeds, 22 items.
Organic Fertilizers Panchagavya
Organic Pesticides prepared from Desi Cow Urine.
Organic Manure Vermi Compost prepared from Cow Dung.
Please contact
V Sudhindranath, Advocate Bangalore.
Mobile +91...
Dear Sir
We can supply the following items in bulk.
Organic Seeds, 22 items.
Organic Fertilizers Panchagavya
Organic Pesticides prepared from Desi Cow Urine.
Organic Manure Vermi Compost prepared from Cow Dung.
Please contact
V Sudhindranath, Advocate Bangalore.
Mobile +91...
Dear Sir
We can supply the following items in bulk.
Organic Seeds, 22 items.
Organic Fertilizers Panchagavya
Organic Pesticides prepared from Desi Cow Urine.
Organic Manure Vermi Compost prepared from Cow Dung.
Please contact
V Sudhindranath, Advocate Bangalore.
Mobile +91...
Dear Sir
We can supply the following items in bulk.
Organic Seeds, 22 items.
Organic Fertilizers Panchagavya
Organic Pesticides prepared from Desi Cow Urine.
Organic Manure Vermi Compost prepared from Cow Dung.
Please contact
V Sudhindranath, Advocate Bangalore.
Mobile +91...
Dear Sir
We can supply the following items in bulk.
Organic Seeds, 22 items.
Organic Fertilizers Panchagavya
Organic Pesticides prepared from Desi Cow Urine.
Organic Manure Vermi Compost prepared from Cow Dung.
Please contact
V Sudhindranath, Advocate Bangalore.
Mobile +91...