
  1. D

    Contact Details for seedlings-Bangalore

    Hello Respected Forum Members, I would request you to provide me contact details of people/nursery near bangalore who provide good quality of plants like mango,chikku,pomegranate and other fruit trees in reasonable price. Thanks in Advance, Anup
  2. I

    How to Find out Fake or Forgery in Nursery Plant?

    Hi All/Experts, I have 4Acres land which is in red soil and Water is also very less. So which Tree plant will be good and more economic to grow based on my soil and water level. If i buy plants from "Nurseries" then how to find out the "True" one? Please guide me on...
  3. A

    Pongamia & Madhuka seedlings for sale

    We have Pongamia pinnata and Madhuka longifolia plants for sale / to supply for social forestry planting. Please contact G. Ananthan Please contact...
  4. I

    Need help for making farm

    Hi All, I have 2 acres red soil land. I am planning to make farm house on that. So pls anyone who is expertise on that help or guide me to do that. I Need Plant and Tree details with price and advantages. Nurseries people ...pls contact me and give me more details. Regrds...
  5. bharatbook

    Nursery and Garden Stores in the US

    Nurseries and garden stores are struggling to sprout new growth as they face increasing competition from big box hardware and home improvement stores. Products and techniques have experienced significant change in the last twenty years with a continued shift towards environmentally friendly...
  6. J

    Bamboo cultivars plants

    We are looking for Bamboo cultivars of different types in nursery bags . Growers who have stocks please respond with details as early as possible. Dendrocalamus, Bamboosa etc Thanks JAGS
  7. ponsanthan

    Medicinal herb garden

    Medicinal herb garden with very good collection of important medicinal plants will be established. For details Please send private message. well known medicinal herbs, shrubs, climbers and trees collection will be established and it will be a good source of reference material for seed bank...
  8. bharatbook : Australian Plant Nurseries highlights included a new report on "Plant Nurseries in Australia" which gives market environment and competitive analysis for Plant Nurseries in Australia. Industry Market Research Synopsis This Industry Market Research report provides a detailed analysis of the Plant Nurseries in...
  9. bharatbook

    World Consumption Report on Flower Nursery Stock and Florists Supplies Wholesalers launches a new report on "World Consumption Report on Flower Nursery Stock and Florists Supplies Wholesalers" Net consumption of Flower, Nursery Stock & Florists' Supplies Wholesalers Products & Services in each country. Description : The World Consumption Report on Flower...
