
  1. E

    Aci sale for organic product.

    Our organization are working in consultancy of agriculture and herbal health care products The ACI agro solution is an ISO 9001:2008 & FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WITH HACCP ISO 22000:2005certified is the leading agriculture consultancy of India. Present work in Pink city jaipur Rajasthan...
  2. E

    sale for neem cake in bulk

    Neem Cake powder act as a pesticide along with that it also provide some nutrients required for the plants. We supply Neem Cake Powder, which is extensively used in organic farming and agriculture. It is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, calcium and is widely required for the growth of...
  3. E

    Neem Oil & Neem cake for sale

    Neem Cake powder act as a pesticide along with that it also provide some nutrients required for the plants. We supply Neem Cake Powder, which is extensively used in organic farming and agriculture. It is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, calcium and is widely required for the growth of...
  4. H

    Neem Cake Organic Manure

    We are most prominent exporters of supreme quality of Neem Cake Organic Manure. We procure our products from trusted manufacturers for assuring the natural essence of neem. Obtained through the process of cold pressing of neem fruits and kernels, and the solvent extraction process this is an...
  5. S

    Neem fruit cake

    Neem oil and Neem fruit cake.(with oil content) Available as cake form and also in powder form too.which is one of the best controller of root disease. We supply to farmers for Sugarcane,Paddy,groundnuts,seasame,bananas,onion and turmeric Supplying any where across india.
  6. E

    Neem Cake Available

    We can provide the good quality Neem Cake. The material is of fresh extraction. More than 50 Mt materials is ready stock. The Neem cake is prepared by the cold pressed process. The material is available on bulk basis. The cake is rich in the oil content. The cake is good for the organic...
  7. E

    Stevia Plant for sale

    Good quality stevia plants are available for sale. Please contact us. We can supply you the fresh saplings. The plants are insect and disease free. The roots are well developed. This one of the best time for the stevia plantation. Please feel free to contact us. Plants are ready to dispatch...
  8. E

    sale for neem oil

    A good quality Neem oil is available with us. We can provide you the Neem oil on regular basis. We expell the Neem oil by cold process. Our Neem oil is having very good azardactine percentage.
  9. E

    sale for neem oil

    A good quality Neem oil is available with us. We can provide you the Neem oil on regular basis. We expell the Neem oil by cold process. Our Neem oil is having very good azardactine percentage.
  10. E

    for sale dry stevia leavs bulk & retail

    We ACI AGRO SOLUTION have launched our new product under the brand of Honey Leaf. The packing contains the dry Stevia leaves.The leaves are sweet as Honey. As honey is natural source of sweetness. Stevia is also natural source of sweetness. The sweetness of stevia is totally calorie free. You...
  11. E

    sale for neem oil

    A good quality Neem oil is available with us. We can provide you the Neem oil on regular basis. We expell the Neem oil by cold process. Our Neem oil is having very good azardactine percentage.
  12. E

    sale in Honey LEAF Stevioside retail packing

    ACI AGRO SOLUTION has launched retail product of the Honey Leaf Extract. The Honey Leaf Extract is pure Stevioside Powder. It is 100 % calorie free. It is 100 % Natural safe replacement of the normal sugar. It is extracted from the India origin stevia leaves. The leaves are cultivated in...
  13. E

    for sale neem oil

    A good quality Neem oil is available with us. We can provide you the Neem oil on regular basis. We expell the Neem oil by cold process. Our Neem oil is having very good azardactine percentage.
  14. E

    Stevioside powder for retail sale/ use

    Stevioside is a natural sweetener extracted from leaves of Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni. The literature about Stevia, the occurrence of its sweeteners, their biosynthetic pathway and toxicological aspects are discussed. Injection experiments or perfusion experiments of organs are...
  15. E

    Neem Oil Available for sale

    A good quality Neem oil is available with us. We can provide you the Neem oil on regular basis. We expell the Neem oil by cold process. Our Neem oil is having very good azardactine percentage.
  16. E

    Neem cake,Neem powder & Neem oil Sale in bulk

    Neem cake for Sale in Bulk Good quality Neem cake is available for sale in bulk quantity.The Neem cake is rich in the Neem oil percentage. The neem cake is very good for the organic agriculture . It is the natural control of the insect and pest in the agriculture crops. It also increase the...
  17. E

    Neem Oil Available

    We can provide you the neem oil at a very good price. It is good fro the insect pest management for the crop. there is not any side effect on the crop . it is biodegradable. The application shows very good result in standing crop. Please contact us with required quantity and the packing size...
  18. E

    Neem Cake for sale

    We can supply neem Neem cake in bulk quantity. We produce good quality , Neem Manure ,neem cake and neem oil Please contact us with required quantity and the packing size. Neem is play a major role in agriculture. it can e used as manure, aspesticide, as fungiside.... We can supply you neem...
  19. E

    Dry Stevia eaves

    Dry Stevia Leaves We have huge demand of the stevia dry leaves. Please send us your quotation with the available quantity and the location. Our representative will come to you and collect the sample from the lot and the test the quality and procure the material from you. We need good quality...
  20. P

    neem oil formulation

    we r the manufacturer of crude neem oil and neembase powder but we do not know how to make them water soluble and make crude oil in 300ppm,1500ppm,3000ppm 10000ppm 50000ppm we also dont know what percentage of azadiractin in crude neem oil have pls solve my problem
