A good quality Neem oil is available with us. We can provide you the Neem oil on regular basis. We expell the Neem oil by cold process. Our Neem oil is having very good azardactine percentage.
Good quality of water testing kit is available for sale. this is good for field sampling and testing. Easy to handel, The results are good, This can be carry to field as a carry bag. It can check all the parameter like mineral availability and pH value. Good for organization working in...
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We, Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society, are a Jaipur based ISO 9001:2000 Certified non government organization. HCMS is promoting eco friendly & medicinal plantation in all over India & has organized various seminars, workshops & training...
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A best quality Neem cake of the fresh season has arrived. the Neem cake is rich in the oil content. You can get it at a very competitive price. 50 Mt material is in ready stock. Please contact us with your complete query to the mail Id.
We are leading producer of the Health drinks. Currently following health drinks are produced by us. There is a great demand in the market both in local and international.
Aloe Vera Detox Juice
This juice is useful for detoxification of the Body. It removes the toxins from the body make...
We can provide you the neem oil at a very good price. It is good fro the insect pest management for the crop. there is not any side effect on the crop . it is biodegradable. The application shows very good result in standing crop. Please contact us with required quantity and the packing size...
Good quality of spices are available for bulk order Coriender, Cumin, fennal, fennugrik, Kalonji, Yellow mustard, chilly.
Please send me your complete query to my mail id with contact details
We can supply neem Neem cake in bulk quantity. We produce good quality , Neem Manure ,neem cake and neem oil Please contact us with required quantity and the packing size.
Neem is play a major role in agriculture. it can e used as manure, aspesticide, as fungiside.... We can supply you neem...
Soil water analysis device
Soil and water analysis is first step for scientific and high technology intensive agriculture. The nutrient management and land improvement is done on the basis of analysis report. The govt laboratories take a lot of time to give the report. The farmers use the input...
Good quality planting material of the Aloevera is available with us. The aloevera baby plants specifications are as follows
• Variety Aloevera barbendasis
• 6- 9 inch in size
• Green in colour
• Good medicinal values
• Material is in ready stock
• More than 10,00,000 Plants available...
We can provide you the neem oil at a very good price. It is good fro the insect pest management for the crop. there is not any side effect on the crop . it is biodegradable. The application shows very good result in standing crop. Please send me the private message with complete contact information.
We have huge stock of the neem products like neem oil, neem cake, neem cake powder. Neem products are very good for the pest control. They are biodegradable in nature. Very good for the environment. There is no residual effect of the neem products.
Please send us your complete query with your...
Dry Stevia Leaves
We have huge demand of the stevia dry leaves. Please send us your quotation with the available quantity and the location. Our representative will come to you and collect the sample from the lot and the test the quality and procure the material from you. We need good quality...
Good quality Neem cake powder more than 500 Mt is available with us. Please contact us for the supply of the Neem cake. Neme cake is good for the insect pest management in the crop. It is biodegradable and We can supply throughout india and abroad.
Ganesh Prajapat
We can supply neem cake powder in bulk quantity. We produce good quality neem cake and neem oil and neem cake powder. Please contact us with required quantity and the packing size. send us the private message to our private box. We have material in ready stock.