
  1. N

    Fresh and straw mush room Available all year long, We can supply you the best possibl

    We are one of the leaders in exporting salt strawmushroom. Now we are very happy to offer you the goods you areinterested in on the following terms and conditions: CANNED STRAW MUSHROOM: Peeled SS (length of the cap) 14mm and below Peeled S (length of the cap) 15-19mm Peeled M (length of the...
  2. D

    Mushrrom Cultivation

    Hi, I am planning to start cultivation of mushroom. I would like to know the demand and price pattern in the market. What are the ways the traders take it from the grower. Anyone interested please contact me at:
  3. V

    Mushrooms for sale

    Dear friends one of my client is starting mushroom production on contract basis in Gujarat..His farm has capacity of producing 1 ton per day..Any buyers out there are welcome to get the quote for mushrooms..He can give following mushrooms on contract: 1. Pleurotus Sajor Kaju 2. Pleurotus HU...
  4. M

    Consultancy needed to start a Mushroom Farm

    Hi, I am looking to start a Mushroom farm in Gurgaon area and I need some consultancy on the subject. Lookfing for some help from experts in the field... Pease send me your details. M U Khan
  5. bharatbook

    Mushroom and Tomato Production in the US

    After a period of slower growth, this industry is forecast to improve over the outlook period. Industry participants should benefit from positive demand conditions and growing public awareness about the importance of fresh produce, despite experiencing a declining life cycle phase. Growers that...
  6. S


    We are cultivating Oyster and Milky mushrooms in Coimbatore.
  7. D

    Bulk ganoderma lucidum supplier

    Dear friend i can supply 25000kg dried ganoderma lucidum per month,those who are interested in buying from me please contact as soon as you can.i can provide it at the cheapest ever price.
  8. S

    Mushroom cultivation

    Hi... We are engaged in supplying all the materials required for mushroom cultivation... We are professional in our practise Such as 1. Pure culture 2.Mother spawn 3,Bed spawn 4.Mushroom seed 5.Bed 6.Casing soil 7.Machineries for mushroom a.Laminar air flow chamber...
  9. S

    Mushroom cultivation

    hi,,, I am Shumitha from Daily mushrooms.. We are providing complete service on mushroom cultivation.. We have developed integerated facility for mushroom cu;ltivation. we help you at each step to have higher production with less labour. With 5000sq.ft you can generate additional...
  10. M

    Money Minting projects

    We provide an excellent offers who are intrested in agriculture. We have entire projects for - mushroom cultivation - Tree farming - goat farming. Projects includes - detail procedures how to start a farm. - detail reports about investments - Sales and marketing concepts - buyers leads - a cd...
