
  1. A

    Opening a Dairy farm

    Hello Fellow Readers, I am an NRI originally from jaipur The idea of Dairy Farm sounds very welcoming to me. i have worked out basic details and idea but lack expertise and experience (of course consultancy and experts will be called in) I wish to know, what factors should i be made aware...
  2. S

    Reconstituted milk plant

    Can we make reconstituted milk without the use of Fresh Cow milk? Is it commercially sold?
  3. G

    Dairy Farm information in Tamilnadu

    I am planning to start Dairy Farm with 50 COWs in Tamilnadu in Karur area. Please guide me with below details to increase my knowledge. 1) GOVT. Subsidy if any. 2) Project cost for 50 Cows. 3) Market strength / best buyer daily basis. 4) Best cow available with 30 to 35 ltr milk / day from...
  4. B

    Fresh milk produced in organic way available in South Bangalore

    Good fresh un-adultered Cow Milk near Bangalore ------------------------------------------------------- We have a farm where in we feed cows with grass grown in our farm itself. Grass is grown without any pesticides , chemical fertilizers. It is fresh cow milk without any adulteration or...
  5. S

    Milk production consultancy required: small scale

    I am based in Ahmedabad Gujarat and am looking to start a small dairy of 15-30 cows and some goats. I need a local consultant who can guide me on this including the viability. I do not own farm land and hence require advise on matters realted to procurement of land. I am not interested in any...
  6. K

    Need buffalo Milk near Hyderabad

    Hi, I need buffalo milk on daily basis. Quality should be good. I need these some where near to Hyderabad from any dairy farms. Please PM me for further details.
  7. G

    Looking for those interested in dairy farming near Bangalore

    We are planning to set up a dairy farm near Bangalore in Tamil Nadu border ( 70 kms from Bangalore ). If you are interested in dairy farming, you can join us. Investment required per person is 15-20 Lakhs. Contact us only if you have the funds available to invest in next 1 month , since we are...
  8. K

    milk packetting and retailing

    i need complete information about the milk packetting,goverment regulation details to retail.
  9. S

    Milk Plan Partner

    Hi I am from Gohana. I am rural enterprenure. I am looking for partner for Milk Plant. The person must be from the respective industry. I have land just 80 K.M. from Delhi in haryana (Sonipat). Contact me...........You can get my contact easily from any of social netwrok site. Regards...
  10. R

    Income from dairy farm is taxable?

    We are in the process of setting up dairy farm in karnataka with min 20 cows. Our initial plan is to sell the milk directly to KMF. 1. Do we need to register a pvt ltd company to start dairy farm? 2. Income from dairy farm is taxable? 3. Do we need to take any permission from state or...
  11. N

    200l milk per day near Mysore

    Hello We have dairy farm about 50 kms from Mysore towards Ooty side. We are currently producing 200 lts milk per day and are working towards expansion with plans to reach 400 lts in near future. Anyone interested in purchasing bulk quantity, please send me message and we can discuss...
  12. A

    double your money in dairy farming ! free consultancy available for enterpreneurs

    dear entrepreneurs , you will wonder about two things: how time it will take to double , one month, six month one year, 5 years. the answer is , it depends on you, if you do literary according to the book , then in 2 months, and if you wish to do in famous indian way, may be 6 months...
  13. H

    Question Dairy farming

    i want to start a dairy farm ( at least 10 cows )in kashmir . anybody please give me info regarding 1. cost of the cows 2. land required 3. milk yield of cows ( i want high yielding cows) 4. cost of equipment . (milking machine.) and any info i dont know . please reply
  14. S

    Milk Chilling Plant

    Friends, I am planning to set up a milk chilling plant in Madanaplli, Chittoor district ,Andhra Pradesh . I would like to know the vendors who will setup complete plant like setting up milk silos , cooling system etc . Please suggest if you know any of the vendors who can setup up the plant.
  15. A

    Milk for sale

    We can supply pure, fresh milk in desired packaging, desired fat & SNF at desired place. We are based out of Northern Gujarat/ South Rajasthan, have our own milk collection centres and can supply over 12000-15000 liters of milk (even more milk can be arranged for) daily to anyplace in India...
  16. P

    Milk Output for Indigenous Cows

    Dear All, What is the Milk Output of the following indigenous cows? Kangayam - ? Litres Umblacherry - ? Litres Bargur - ? Litres Alambadi - ? Litres Pulikulam - ? Litres Vechur - ? Litres Also, where do I get these cows and the rates for each of them? Also, which 2 are the best...
  17. M

    overnight storage of fresh milk

    HI I am a new dairy farmer. I am looking for suggestions on how to store fresh milk overnight so that milk milked in the evening remains fresh in next morning. If refrigeration is to be used, what issues are involved?
  18. L

    UHT line with Combibloc fillers in good condition

    The offered line includes: sterilizer 5000 liters per hour (1994), homogeniser, sterile aseptic tank, station for UHT, Combiblock fillers (1992) for 0.5 ltr. and 1 ltr. cartons with packaging and printing equipment. Location: Poland. Photos of the line and price offer available on request.
  19. S

    Looking for Suppliers

    I am into retailing of vegetables, fruits, Bakery, Milk and grocery items in Pune. Looking for suppliers. Please get in touch with me. Thanks, Santosh
  20. M

    milk in plastic pouch

    What are the pros and cons of selling milk in 1/2 or 1 litre plastic pouches? What are regulatory requirements if plastic pouch is used ? what markings should be there in the pouch? What will the cost of a simple low capacity milk pouch filling machine? Thanking you in advance for helpful response.
