
  1. J

    Wanted Agricultural Land

    Looking for Agricultural Land with bore wells/ponds/river streams.Developed /Und eveloped but minimum 30 acres in TAMIL NADU/KARNATAKA/ANDHRA PRADESH. With in 5 KM from any prominent town.ClearTitle is must.Bank Mortgauged properties are also Acceptable. with your price location
  2. B

    Farm land for sale (Near Hiriyur, 8Km from NH4)

    15 Acres of well maintained agricultural land near Hiriyur, Chitradurga District, Karnataka. 8 Km away from NH4 (Bangalore – Pune highway), about 160Km from Bangalore. Details: • 900 Coconut trees (Drip irrigation) • 25 Teak wood trees • 2 Bore well • 1 Open well • Channel from vanivilasa...
  3. B

    Land for Rubber Plantation required in TN or Karnataka

    Hi, I am looking to purchase rubber cultivatable land in either Tamil Nadu or Karnataka. I will require at least 50 acres of land for this. Interested parties are welcome to send be a private message or email me Thx
  4. S

    Sale of estate (coffee, cardamom, pepper, areca nut) in hassan district, karnataka

    Land Area: 327 Acres (227+100) Location: Shakleshpur (Hassan District, Karnataka) Crops: Coffee (Both Robusta & Arabica), Cardamom, Pepper, Areca nut. Plenty of Water Sources round the year. Infrastructure: Bungalow-1 Other Quarters-5 Nos Godown & Tools room Vehicle Shed, Pulping unit: 8 Nos...
  5. S

    Sale of island suitable for water sports resort in a reasonable rate

    The Island is located in Karwar Taluk, Uttar Kannada District, Karnataka State and about 16KM inland from the Arabian sea and around 200 kms from GOA state. The scenic 13.5 Acre island (single owner) is surrounded by hillocks, which are part of the Western Ghats is home to a mind blowing...
  6. S

    Starting a new dairy farm

    Geographical area tumkur district karnataka temperature 24 to 38 deg celcius rainfall low to moderate please suggest which high yeilding breed is appropriate to the above conditions and where can I buy them
  7. M

    wanted agriculture land farm land in and around bangalore

    We are looking for agriculture land or farm land in and around bangalore. Budget is between 2 and 5 lakhs. looking between 1 and 200 acres. Please contact....
