
  1. E

    sale for certifid guar seed

    GUAR GUM CULTIVATION IN INDIA India is native of guar or cluster bean where it is used as a vegetable. From hundreds of years Guar has been used as vegetable in India. It is also used as a cattle food, and as a green manure crop in agriculture. Guar gum comes from the endosperm of the seed of...
  2. E

    sale for certifid guar seed

    GUAR GUM CULTIVATION IN INDIA India is native of guar or cluster bean where it is used as a vegetable. From hundreds of years Guar has been used as vegetable in India. It is also used as a cattle food, and as a green manure crop in agriculture. Guar gum comes from the endosperm of the seed of...
  3. E

    sale for certifid guar seed

    GUAR GUM CULTIVATION IN INDIA India is native of guar or cluster bean where it is used as a vegetable. From hundreds of years Guar has been used as vegetable in India. It is also used as a cattle food, and as a green manure crop in agriculture. Guar gum comes from the endosperm of the seed of...
  4. E

    sale for certifid guar seed

    GUAR GUM CULTIVATION IN INDIA India is native of guar or cluster bean where it is used as a vegetable. From hundreds of years Guar has been used as vegetable in India. It is also used as a cattle food, and as a green manure crop in agriculture. Guar gum comes from the endosperm of the seed of...
  5. S

    Guar gum expertise

    Need any help in Guar Gum ( from cultivation - processing- end use), pl. contact Dr. Subodh K. Singh (Petroleum Eng. - Polymer Chemist) Faculty - SGU, SD CTO - GuarGlobal Ltd. Director Marketing - JACPL. 1-917-853-4497 (c) Indian Guar | Exploring Exceptional Chemistry of Guar...
  6. educationteam

    Ashok Jonwal - Guargum cultivation

    You are invited to attend a webinar (live discussion) on Guargum cultivation, its marketing and pros and cons by Ashok Kumar Jonwal of Pacific Agro Farms Pvt Ltd., Nagpur To know more about Ashok Jonwal follow the link below. In this live discussion you will be able to...
  7. G

    Guar ( Guar gum ) Cultivation Consultancy

    We are USA based leading Company engaged in the business of Guar and Guar Gum. We provide complete solution for the guar ( guar gum ) Cultivation. We can assist you in understanding the basics of Guar, Economics of cultivation of Guar, Guar gum processing plant consultancy. Guar can be...
  8. E

    guar seed (guar gum) avilable for sale very affordable rates

    We provide the complete solution in the Guar cultivation. As per the commodity trend Guar has shown excellent results. Last month it was being sold at rs Rs 30,000/Quintal. The guar gum is used in many industries as a base product. the crop has bright future. Please contact us for the guar...
