
  1. G

    Advertising Guar Seed ( Guar Gum ) Cultivation Details and other Information

    Dear Members, Guar is emerging as one of the profitable crop in India. The demand from oil and natural Gas Industry is increasing Day by Day. Even in heavy fluctuation in the prices of guar seed and Guar gum there is no change in the export demand, this demand is increasing day by day. The...
  2. G

    Guar Seed ( Guar Gum ) Cultivation Details and other Information

    Dear Members, Guar is emerging as one of the profitable crop in India. The demand from oil and natural Gas Industry is increasing Day by Day. Even in heavy fluctuation in the prices of guar seed and Guar gum there is no change in the export demand, this demand is increasing day by day. The...
  3. educationteam

    Ashok Jonwal - Guargum cultivation

    You are invited to attend a webinar (live discussion) on Guargum cultivation, its marketing and pros and cons by Ashok Kumar Jonwal of Pacific Agro Farms Pvt Ltd., Nagpur To know more about Ashok Jonwal follow the link below. In this live discussion you will be able to...
  4. G

    Guar ( Guar gum ) Cultivation and Proessing Consultancy

    Guar ( Guar gum ) Cultivation Consultancy We are leading consultancy provider for Guar Gum cultivation in India. We have client from Indonasia, Tanzania, Russia, Zambia, USA. Guar is a legume crop grown in India and Pakistan since centuries. It is used as fodder crop for animal. The seed is...
  5. E

    sale for certified guar seed

    we provide best quility certified RGC 1055,RGC 936 & HR 365 GUAR SEED & ALSO PROVIDE all solution for Guar gum cultivation please contect me.
  6. E

    Guar uses in foods

    Certified guar seed guar uday (1055) high yeld avilable for sale GAUR UDAY(RGC-1055) GRUP NAME: FORAGE CROPS NOTIFICATION NUMBER...
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    Guar ( Guar gum ) Cultivation Consultancy

    We are leading technology provider for teh guar seed and guar gum. Our technical experts regular provide consultancy for the guar gum in India and abroad. Guar is a regular/ traditional local crop of western Rajasthan, It is being cultivated since centuries in the Rain fed Condition. As the...
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    Guar ( Guar Gum) Cultivation and Processing Project Report

    Project Report Guar gum processing Project Report Guar gum processing We can prepare the dedicated project report for guar gum cultivation and guar gum processing. This report will consist about the detail of the investment and profitability. We provide complete solution for the guar...
  9. G

    Guar ( Guar Gum) Seed for cultivation

    Guar is emerging as major industrial crop. Guar crop need a lot of research work. The requirement of the crop is increasing day - by day in international market. We can provide the good quality seeds for the cultivation purpose. We produce the seeds under the close supervision of our...
  10. G

    Guar ( Guar gum ) Cultivation Consultancy

    We are leading consultancy provider for Guar Gum cultivation in India. We have client from Indonasia, Tanzania, Russia, Zambia, USA. Guar is a legume crop grown in India and Pakistan since centuries. It is used as fodder crop for animal. The seed is used as cattle feed. Guar contains the...
  11. G

    Guar ( Guar Gum ) Consultancy........

    Guar ( Guar gum ) Cultivation Consultancy Guar is emerging as newly industrial crop in India. The demand of the crop is increasing day bay day. The Guar seed contain the guar gum, the Gum content. The Gum is easily soluble in cold water and there will be no change in the viscosity at high...
  12. G

    Guar gum meal/ korma for cattle feed

    GUAR GUM MEAL/ KORMA Guar gum meal or Korma is the by product of the guar gum processing industry.The meal contain the guar hull and guar germ/ guar protein part. It is rich in the protein and fiber. It is used for cattle feed industry, poultry industry feed, fisheries feed. The production of...
  13. G

    Guar (Guar gum) Seed for Sale

    Guar is emerging as major industrial crop. Guar crop need a lot of research work. The requirement of the crop is increasing day - by day in international market. We can provide the good quality seeds for the cultivation purpose. We produce the seeds under the close supervision of our...
  14. E

    Guar, guar gum cultivation consultancy

    Guar, guar gum consultancy ACI AGRO SOLUTION is The leading agriculture consultancy of india We provide complete consultancy of medicinal and aromatic herbs, plantaion, processing, trading, export, import, Guar is a native to the Indian subcontinent. Guar is grown mainly in India, Pakistan...
  15. G

    Guar ( Guar gum ) Cultivation Consultancy

    We are USA based leading Company engaged in the business of Guar and Guar Gum. We provide complete solution for the guar ( guar gum ) Cultivation. We can assist you in understanding the basics of Guar, Economics of cultivation of Guar, Guar gum processing plant consultancy. Guar can be...
  16. E

    Guar (guar gum) plantation seeds.

    We provide the complete solution in the Guar cultivation. As per the commodity trend Guar has shown excellent results. Last month it was being sold at rs Rs 30,000/Quintal. The guar gum is used in many industries as a base product. the crop has bright future. Please contact us for the guar...
