
  1. A

    Invest Rs.20000 and get Rs.5000 per six months - Goat farming

    We are looking for investors who could invest a minimum of Rs.20000 in goat farming. We have 13 acres of leased land in Adalur hills near kodaikanal, with good source of organic fodders, two sheds are there for goat farming. For each Rs.20000 investment, you will get Rs.5000 per six months...
  2. A

    Need investor for goat farming

    I have 13 acres of leased land in Adalur hills nearby kodaikanal hills, with all amenities like road,water and electricity. I have 2 readily built sheds for goat farming , and green fodders for goats. I need investing partner who could invest Rs.600000 for buying goats and working capital...
  3. A

    Seeking investors for Integrated animal farming

    I am looking investors for Rabbit, Goat and country chicken farming in partnership basis. I have 13 acres of leased land in Adalur hills , nearby kodaikanal hills, suitable for animal farming with organic feeds from our own land. If interested pls. contact me.
  4. O

    Land available for Dairy, Goat , Poultry or Cattle Breading Projects

    We have 125 acres agri land on the bank of a minor irrigation project with irrigation facility and bore-wells and farm ponds where 90 acres clonal eucalyptus is planted in 2009 monsoon.This land is 18 kms south west to Yavatmal near Ghui village in Ner taluka. We also have plot and house with...
  5. D

    Need Goats to supply in Goa

    Hi, My requirement of Goats as under Small Goat Weight : 8 to 10 kg - 100 Qty Medium Goat Weight: 13 to 15 kg - 100 Qty Heavy Goat Weight : 18 to 22 kg - 100 Qty Need Supplier to Goa and Orissa. Any interested party please send your quotation Regards Krishna Dasar
  6. K

    For Sale Sale Sheap meat purpose

    Hi We are supplying sheep for meat purpose regularly anywhere in India. We can supply one year age sheep (male and female) at low price . Our farm is located in Tamilnadu. Interested people contact us . Regards .
  7. J

    Breeding Goats for Sale

    Pure line Shirohi, Dhamascus cross breed, Osmanabadi corss breed, Beetal for Sale. Pure Goat Manure for Sale. Also take order for the delivery of 100Nos. Shirohi, Beetal, Karoli, Jamunapari, Thalachery. Pure line Boer also available (advance booking). Regards, Jagadish KN Bangalore - Hosur...
  8. J

    Stall Feed Goats for Sale

    Dear Goat Lovers, Goats for Sale: 1. Dhamascus X Osmanabadi - Male 2. Dhamascus X Shirohi - Male 3. Shirohi - Male 4. Beetal The above goats are ready for Stall Feed. Regards, Jagadish KN 9341669411
  9. A

    Semen of good breeds of goat and AI training

    Hi, It would be great to know any farms or centers where semen of good goat breeds can be bought near the Nepal border (UP, Bihar, or Delhi area). Also, AI training for goats would be really useful. Does anybody has any contact details or information about this. We will have to come from...
  10. A

    Farms around Delhi

    Hi, I am in Nepal but currently based in Delhi till July. I would like to visit farms in and around Delhi while I am here. I am interested in Livestock (Mainly cows, buffaloes and goat) farming. It would be great if anyone could provide contact details. Thanks. Amar
  11. G

    Deccani Sheep breed For Sale........

    Hi, Pure Healthy, fully vaccinated, Fine Quality Deccan and Nellori Dorra sheeps(EWE's) 50 no.'s are for sale. Age between 10-15 months, Body weight between 25-35 kgs. delivered lambs once and twice. We can also provide you information regarding Sheep/Goat farming etc, Model project...
  12. A

    Training in sheet/goat farming

    Is there any place in hyderabad where sheep/goat farming training is provided. I have reached out to animal husbantary dept but to no use. Please suggest
  13. smy82482

    For Sale Goat farm

    BEST OSMANABADI GOATS FOR YOUR FARM "we provide you the pure breeding osmanabadi goats at reasonable prices" These osmanabadi goats are suitable for stall feed,semi stall feed and open grazing goat farm systems.You will get the best of female goats(does),which yields plenty of milk(1-2ltr per...
  14. S

    Goats and sheeps for sale

    We can supply Sheeps and Goats in bulk quantities for meat purpose as well as rearing as a regular consignment. We need clear specifications of your requirement like total weight, variety, male/female, time and place. Prices may vary depending on the requirement, season, demand and supply...
  15. U

    Boer Goat Market

    Hi Experts , I have heard a lot about Boer Goat farming . As per my investigation the the current cost of Boer is around 25000 per 50 - 60 Kgs , Which boils down to around 600 - 800 per KG . Do we have market for this in India ? Are there any special shops where they sell Boer Goat Meat...
  16. K

    Goat Health and drug Index Book

    HI I want goat health and drug index related book . if any body knows share me about this.
  17. G

    Goat Farming in Tamil Nadu

    I am planning to start a Goat Farm in Madurai. I would like to get some expert advice on the same I am looking for few information like : 1) Land Requirement 2) For a start-up how many goats we need 3) What ratio of Male and Female is required. 4) What veriety would be suitable for Madurai...
  18. K

    Male Goat Sale Meat purpose

    We have Male Goat (age 10 months) meat purpose . we will diviler to your place .
  19. J

    Shirohi's available

    Dear Breeders, Dam and Sire Shirohi's available for sale. One dam and Forty Sire available. If any interest in these goats call/mail to below address. Thanks +91 9902329636 goat@deejayfarm.com
  20. K

    Sheap or goat male kid Wanted

    HI i want male sheap or goat kids (3 months) from south india . let me know your pricing cost . and variety type . mail me
