
  1. M

    Setup dairy farm with high breed cows

    If you wish to set up a good dairy, you can start with some HF and Jersey cows from our farm so that you have a good herd. Please note we have only good breed cows and are not for cheap sale. If you are interested in visiting, contact us on 8094008094 or info [at] linenwalas [dot] com The...
  2. G

    Looking for those interested in dairy farming near Bangalore

    We are planning to set up a dairy farm near Bangalore in Tamil Nadu border ( 70 kms from Bangalore ). If you are interested in dairy farming, you can join us. Investment required per person is 15-20 Lakhs. Contact us only if you have the funds available to invest in next 1 month , since we are...
  3. N

    Supplier of H.F./jersey cows and Murrah Buffaloes

    Sachdeva Dairy Farm can supply H.F and jersey cows from Chintamani and maharastra based on your requirement of Milk yield. We supply Murrah Buffaloes at the best prices from our farm at Rohtak.
  4. N

    Spirulina for cows

    Hi I recently saw posts regarding spirulina being used for human food supplements. Any one has idea how it will affect if we feed to cows to increase milk or to calves to increase growth? Also, please let me know CP and DCP for spirulina if anyone knows. Thanks Nikhil
  5. R

    What is the right place to buy Dairy cattle in AP?

    Hi: I would appreciate if someone could let me know which are the right places to buy good quality dairy cattle (Cows- HF and local) in Andhra. I would be going there from 8th to 10th and would in all probability visit and finalize if things work out. Thanks for your help in advance. Rajesh
  6. H

    Question Dairy farming

    i want to start a dairy farm ( at least 10 cows )in kashmir . anybody please give me info regarding 1. cost of the cows 2. land required 3. milk yield of cows ( i want high yielding cows) 4. cost of equipment . (milking machine.) and any info i dont know . please reply
  7. R

    dairy farming

    can anybody plz explain about lactation cycle....... bit confused about it. want to know in detail about it.
  8. P

    Milk Output for Indigenous Cows

    Dear All, What is the Milk Output of the following indigenous cows? Kangayam - ? Litres Umblacherry - ? Litres Bargur - ? Litres Alambadi - ? Litres Pulikulam - ? Litres Vechur - ? Litres Also, where do I get these cows and the rates for each of them? Also, which 2 are the best...
  9. S

    Gir Cows

    Hello: We are farmers in Bhavnagar dist, Gujarat in requirement of Gir cows with decent levels of purity. Anyone near Gujarat wishing to sell the same may please contact me at Siddhit Sanghavi
  10. S

    Suggest the right place for genuine animals (cows)

    Hi All, I am interested on small dairy farm with 6 to 10 cows to start-up. But, the cows must be cross breeded with (desi) Ongole vereity! Kindly let me know the economics & technical feasibility to start this venture. Thanks, Ram
  11. I

    Loan available for Diary Farm?

    Hi , I am planning to do initial setup Diary Farm with 10 Cows. Is there any Financial Assistance\loan\subsidy from Bank\Govt? pls guide me or reach me on my mobile 9629687398/ Raja, Madurai, Tamilnadu. 9629687398
  12. S

    What cattle suitable ? Where to Buy ? and the Cost ?

    Dear Sir/Madam, We are planning to setup diary with a mix of buffalows & cows. Objective is to produce milk and sell it the vendors. The area is : Bhongir (Hyderabad & Warangal Highway), Nalgonda District, Andhra Pradesh. What specifc cattle (cow & buffalow) type is suitable for the...
