
  1. 2compost

    vermi compost earthworms vermicompost beds

    Dear All We are supplier of vermicompost, earthworms & vermicompost beds in Bangalore. Please contact us for your requirements.
  2. 2compost

    vermi compost earthworms vermicompost beds

    We are supplier of vermicompost, earthworms and vermicompost beds in bagalore for organic agriculture. Please contact us for your requirments. mail me:
  3. 2compost

    vermi compost bangalore 9980400241

    Dear All We are dealing in vermicompost in bangalore. We can supply good quality vermicompost at best market price. please contact for the same. mob:9980400241
  4. 2compost

    vermicompost bangalore

    Dear All We are dealing in vermicompost in bangalore. We can supply good quality vermicompost at best market price. please contact for the same. mob:9980400241
  5. A

    Compost is ready to sale

    we have compost ready to sale please contact for buyimg.
  6. 1

    organic fertilizer

    [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]we are a leading producer of wermi compost which is a good fertilizer for all kind of planets and also seeds.we can offer you the best rate with a good analyze
  7. R

    Organic Compost for sale

    Distributors of Organic Compost (not vermicompost) Available at take-away prices.
  8. J

    Composters and Garden Tools for Sale in Australia

    Australia’s quality composting and gardening tools at its best. Kindly see my profile and and my homepage url for more Information.
  9. N

    Vermicompost available near Mysore

    Hello Vermicompost available, 10 tons/month. Our farm is located near Mysore. The compost is made from cow dung, green and dry waste and biogas slurry. Please let me know required quantity and location. Regards Nikhil
  10. T

    Leaf compost for sale

    Leaf compost for sale around delhi Highest grade pure leaf compost available in bulk in bulk. 8000rs / tonne. 1000rs/ 100kg Transportation from Gurgaon Extra. Retail bags also available in 10kg & 20 kg for sale/ distribution. Mail your enquiries at [email]
  11. E

    Vermicompost Needed on regular basis 50Kg Packing

    We require Vermicompost on Regular Basis in Packing of 50 Kgs for Export. Kindly provide us price in Indian Rupees with multiple of 20' containers only. MUMBAI, KANDLA,CHENNAI PORTS Our Target price is Rs 3.00 PKg delivered at any sea port. contact Rajesh Jain
  12. S

    SUVARNA BHARAT "Compost Enricher"

    We are manufacturers of Suvarna Bharat "Compost Enricher", contact For Product Brochure,
  13. B

    Need Compost for Button Mushroom

    I supposed to start a new button mushroom cultivation business.So i need the Compost for button mushroom in regular basis. If any one is interested please give me your location detail along with your mail id. Thank you. Bala.
  14. H

    Quality Dairy Farm Equipments

    EYS is a one-stop solutions provider for your dewatering and composting needs. It serves multiple industries where separated solids and/or liquids from the original fiber-rich waste can be reclaimed as either by-products or to be fed back into the main process. We manufacture manure separator...
  15. H

    Bedding Composter

    EYS BC Series Compost Drum system is semi-closed system aerobic composting technology known as “in-vessel composting” in world compost literature. Basically, the system provides ideal conditions for fastening the facilities of the bacteria in the organic waste. Depending on the process duration...
  16. H

    Manure Separator, Cow Brush, Manure Scraper

    EYS is a one-stop solutions provider for your dewatering and composting needs. It serves multiple industries where separated solids and/or liquids from the original fiber-rich waste can be reclaimed as either by-products or to be fed back into the main process. We manufacture manure...
  17. P

    Need Vermicompost in Virajpet

    We need around 25-30 bags of vermicompost in Virajpet, Coorg in Karnataka. If anybody supplies to that area, please let me know - Jayadeep
  18. H

    Dairy Farm Equipments

    EYS is a one-stop solutions provider for your dewatering and composting needs. It serves multiple industries where separated solids and/or liquids from the original fiber-rich waste can be reclaimed as either by-products or to be fed back into the main process. We manufacture manure separator...
  19. S

    organic compost/fertilizer

    Want to convert 1ton of buffelo dung per day into organic compost. (1)What are the best possible ways? (2)Rate at which it can be sold?
  20. A

    24 hour composting technology

    My company in Singapore has developed a composting technology that traditionally requires at least 3 months and now it only requires 24 hours to complete with raw materials such as: 1) animals waste and remains 2) padi husks, hays, sawdust 3) empty fruit bunch, palm oil mill effluent 4)...
