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  1. S

    Available Wanted farmers for Contract Farming - Beema Bamboo under buyback

    Beema bamboo produces highest biomass as compared to any other tree plantation Dear sir, We have solution for you the requirements of biomass,we have specility for the energy plantation It is produce large quantity of biomass in limited area,cost of biomass to be 700 rs per ton. compare to...
  2. S

    Available Wanted farmers for Contract Farming - Beema Bamboo under buyback

    Beema bamboo produces highest biomass as compared to any other tree plantation Dear sir, Thank you for your interest in Energy plantation. At present we have contract farming scheme for Dharmapuri and krishnagiri,we shall formulating for all over india.
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    Available Wanted farmers for Contract Farming - Beema Bamboo under buyback

    Beema bamboo produces highest biomass as compared to any other tree plantation Dear sir, The annual national average of bamboo yield is as low as 1 ton per acre, while the annual state average yield is little above 2 tons per acre. On the contrary under precision cultivation, high yielding...
  4. S

    Red sandel wood & sandel wood plants

    Beema bamboo produces highest biomass as compared to any other tree plantation. Beema bamboo produces highest biomass as compared to any other tree plantation. The annual national average of bamboo yield is as low as 1 ton per acre, while the annual state average yield is little above 2 tons...
