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  1. V

    Puxin biogas systems from China.

    biogas I am doing biogas plant installation in tamilnadu I want plant and accesory please cont me
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    biogas plant

    hi, any body want biogas plant it's very easy to use you can prepare your own cooking gas from your kitchen waste & farm waste cont vishnunath
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    We give out agricultural loan and financail help to people that in need of loan

    we are wanted agricultural and business loan pls sent your details Yours, vishnu
  4. V

    Dairy farm

    I want start a dairy farm but I don't know how togo about it.Please give some suggestatins. Thank u vishnu
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    Dairy Farm

    I want strat a dairy farm but I am 0 expierience in this line will you pleas give me good idea thank u vishnu
