Search results

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    Farm Manager wanted in Theni Tamilnadu to manage 100 acres

    Dear Mr.Murali Saurj, Please send your CV to us for suitable post in the farm at Growmore biotech ltd. Send your CV to our email
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    Question Need consultancy on Bamboo cultivation in Kolhapur, Maharashtra

    Dear Mr.Amar singh shinde Glad to know your interest in cultivation of Beema Bamboo in kolhapur. We are the developer of Beema Bamboo and only propagator of Beema Bamboo by tissue culture. please contact us at our email we provide field consultancy for cultivation...
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    Dr.N. Barathi - Tissue culture

    Plant Tissue Culture Lab Dear Mr.Pratheep, In Tamil Nadu there are around 10 Tissue culture labs mostly located in Hosur, Coimbatore, Thena and Chennai. Yes you can produce all the above mentioned plants in same lab, same time & same infrastructure if you start with 5 lakh production...
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    seedling tray, Net-Pots,Root Trainer & Flexi bel pots.CoCopit

    Dear sir, We are one of the leading producers of quality Tissue culture plants for the past 12 years. We are using the seedling tray, Net pots and root trainer at our Green house. Please provide us the price list for seedling tray, Net pots and root trainer separatly in detail to the...
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    Dr.N. Barathi - Tissue culture

    Plant Tissue Culture Lab It is feasible to produce 5 lakh production capacity. If you select high value production and your lab should have overhead cost. 1 million production lab will cost Rs.1 crore to 1.2 crores except land and buildings. The cost depends on the choice of equipment...
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    Beema Bamboo 1000 plants per acre

    Beema Bamboo is a superior clone developed from Bambusa Balcooa by. through R&D. It is a thronless, non-flowering and high yielding verity. The high density plantation Beema Bamboo (1000 plants / acre or 2500 plants / Ha) the yield will be 40 tons / acre (100 tons / Ha). It is the best Biomass...
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    Best use of agricultural land

    Dear Sir, A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Glad to know your interest in Agriculture and in the process of acquiring 100 acres of land. We would like to suggest a best high yielding variety of Bamboo suitable for Konkan area in Maharastra-“BEEMA BAMBOO”, a super clone propagated by Tissue...
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    Need Beema Bamboo (sapling)Tissue for 5 Acre

    Hello Sir..! Greetings...! We found your post regarding Need of Beema bamboo sapling for your land. is the proud owner of Beema Bamboo. You can plant up to 1000 plants per acre. Kindly get us: Thanks & Regards, Shamil
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    Advertising Beema Bamboo

    Re:Beema Bamboo queries Reg Hello Imram..! Good Day..! 7) Bamboo cannot grow in Sea Water (Salt Water) i) Bamboo can be sold in the market in two ways : 1) On tonnage basis as a fuel wood for Biomass based Power plants. 2) On the other side it can be sold as Individual culms for...
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    Advertising Beema Bamboo

    Re:Beema Bamboo queries Reg Hi Imram.., Good Day..! Thanking you for showing interest in our product Beema Bamboo Answer for your queries : 1) Konkan area is very much suitable for the growth of Beema Bamboo. 2) Beema Bamboo can grow in almost in all types of soil. Red soil is most...
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    Advertising Beema Bamboo

    Beema Bamboo is a superior clone developed from Bambusa Balcooa by Growmore Biotech Ltd. through R&D. It is a thronless, non-flowering and high yielding verity. The high density plantation Beema Bamboo (1000 plants / acre or 2500 plants / Ha) the yield will be 40 tons / acre (100 tons / Ha). It...
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    banana plants

    The TC banana plants of 1000 numbers are ready for immediate delivery. Where do you want to take the plants. Kindly contact us over phone number. 91 9443360563. Growmore Biotech
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    Required G9 Tissue cultured banana saplings.

    Tissue culture banana plants We produce and supply tissue culture banana plants. The plants are ready for immediate delivery now. Please contact our office at 94433 60563 or mail us to Selvi Growmore Biotech
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    Bamboo saplings Wanted

    We produce and supply tissue culture bamboo plants. The rate of each plant is Rs 25.00 and the transport cost extra. We supply order volume of 1000 numbers and above. Kindly contact us for any requirement. Selvi Growmore Biotech 91 94433 60563
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    banana plants

    We are one of the leading producers of tissue culture plants in India, we are located in Hosur of Tamilnadu which is 45 km away from Bangalore. We produce and supply tissue culture banana plants, variety Grand naine. Please contact us for immediate delivery. Selvi Growmore Biotech Ltd 91...
