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  1. S

    Dorpers lambs for sale

    Dear Members We have 5 month old dorper ram lambs which are a minimum of 55kgs to give. Dorpers are excellent as terminal sires on other meat breeds.They are priced at Rs,3000/kg live weight.Interested sheep farm owners can feel free to contact me for more details. Regards Ravi
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    Dorper lambs weighing 40kgs at 4 months for sale

    Yeah,we are giving both dorper and white dorper.please post your any further queries on my facebook page or to my email ID. Regards Ravi
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    Dorper lambs weighing 40kgs at 4 months for sale

    Dear Mr.Umesh, kindly check my facebook page for pictures. Regards Ravi
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    Dorper lambs weighing 40kgs at 4 months for sale

    Dear Members, We have a few purebred dorper lambs to give which are August 2012 born and are weighing a minimum of 40kgs.They are priced at Rs,3000/kg live weight and are available on first come first basis. Please feel free to contact me for any further queries or visit...
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    Purebred Ongole Cow available for Sale

    Hello, It is purebred and off course its bred with an ongole bull.
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    Purebred Ongole Cow available for Sale

    Dear All, We have a purebred Ongole cow which calved her second calf 6 months back.We had a female calf out of it and we are retaining the calf and are willing to give the cow.This cow was acquired from a very popular stockholder of Ongole breed from Krishna dist.AP.The animal is at...
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    Dorper sheep ..

    You will have to trust me on this Vijay... If you can recollect,my embryo lambs were born in the last week of Apr2011. Regards Ravi
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    Dorper sheep ..

    Dear Mr.Sikander sent a PM... Regards Ravi
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    Dorper sheep ..

    Dear Members, When I first read and heard of dorper sheep Lambing as early as 10 months, it was hard to beleive. To check on this we have left a ewe lamb to join the rams post weaning and it stayed with them until it lambed an unassisted and healthy 4.5 kg ewe lamb on this 24th Feb...
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    Dorpers lamb at 10 months of age..

    Dear Members, When I first read and heard of Dorpers lambing as early as 10 months of age,i found it very hard to beleive. To have a check on this we left a ewe lamb to join the rams post weaning and it remained with them until it lambed an unassisted healthy 4.5kg ewe lamb on this...
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    Dorper Lambs at 80 Days ........

    Mr.Kasturiraju,I surely remember you! Hope your dairy unit is doing well. Thanx swaroop ! for appreciating our work. and Mr.Reddy, Dorper is quite hardy and they are South African and they are there all over the world thriving in wide variety of temperatures ranging from -5 to 52 degree...
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    Dorper Lambs at 80 Days ........

    Hello, As said earlier,it will take sometime for us to really start to give away Dorper sheep.However chilled and frozen semen shall be available from next year onwards. Please feel free to get in touch for any further queries. Best Regards Ravi
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    Dorper Lambs at 80 Days ........

    Dear Mr.Suresh, Thank you for all the appreciation.In regard to the weights! Yeah, missed it while posting,They are weighing anywhere between 27 to 31 kgs. Best Regards Ravi
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    Dorper Lambs at 80 Days ........

    Finally, check this fellow on the Rocks... Best Regards Ravi
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    Dorper Lambs at 80 Days ........

    As said earlier, The colour in Dorper is only about the colour and nothing else . Here you find the growth patterns and muscle distribution very similar.
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    Dorper Lambs at 80 Days ........

    Ewe Lambs are doing good too,Here is a picture of a girl with good brisket and nice muscle..
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    Dorper Lambs at 80 Days ........

    One more Check this boy beside his fully grown Rambouillet mother...
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    Dorper Lambs at 80 Days ........

    Hello all, Please find enclosed a few pictures of Dorper lambs at 80 days.Hope you find them interesting. Best Regards Ravi
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    2 Months old Dorper lamb .

    Thank you Mr.Suresh and Antony. For others who wanted to know about the availability of Dorper sheep for sale and their pricing,As we have a very small flock right now we are not offering any Dorper sheep for sale.But chilled and frozen semen will be available from next year onwards. Best...
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    2 Months old Dorper lamb .

    Dear Members, Please find the picture of the Dorper Ram lamb as an attachment,This boy is weighing 22kgs now and i am sure he be of great use for the years to come. Best Regards Ravi
