Search results

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    Dairy Dung Cleaning Pump System : THUMBA AGRO TECH PALANI

    Manure cleaning pump system Hi, I need one to my friend farm Share the technical details & the cost
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    vanaraja and giriraja chicks wanted

    Swarndhara or giri raj Hi, My am uncle leave in Bangalore he wanted only Egg layer for his personal use. He wanted have chick above is terrace and his Coop is ready. He need around 20 Chick’s, Can any suggest which breed will be better why he chose that breed should? The size of the Coop is...
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    biogas plant for individual houses ( portable) for sale

    Biogass plant for house Hi, I am looking for my home send the price and the catlog of your Biogass plant.
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    Hydroponics based green grass growing machine

    Fodder machine Hi Provide the cost of the machine for 500 Kg/day. Also metion cost of production. i.e to produce 1KG Green Fodder what will be cost ?
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    Become farmer with us and have the farmer certificate.

    Become farmer with us and have the farmer certificate in Tamilnadu I wanted have farmer certificate some one help me get the farmer certificate in tamilnadu
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    hf cows and milking machines for sale

    Hi, Please provide the yield of the cows & make of the milking machine & Reason for selling of the cows.
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    Solar Hybrid Sine Wave UPS With LCD Display

    Hi, I am also looking for my Home uses. Please send me catalog.
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    Chicken Poultry Farm

    Chicken in required Hi, I am from Bangalore , I work for a IT company. I wanted have 6 to 8 layer in my home without Roster. This placed ON the Roof of my house. Can any one tell me best breed. Where do I get the breed, I need adult age 3 to 4 month layer
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    buy agri land in easy monthly installments

    Hi, I am interested to buy agri land in easy monthly installments. Pl let know the cost of land, size & location. Regards Rajan
