Search results

  1. G

    Software Professionals Turned Farmers

    Hello Murali, Why not use, i.e., this site? this is a good platform to connect. There are also several others such as Home | Agriculture and Farming India that you can take a look at. Good luck.
  2. G

    Solar fencing Vs barbed wire fencing

    Quick question - doesn't solar fencing cause issues with local people?
  3. G

    Farm Land 100 Kms from Hyderabad

    Which road? How much?
  4. G

    17 Acres Land for Sale near Hyderabad

    Please PM me the details - water, distance to village, village name, stoniness and expected price. Thanks.
  5. G

    Farm land available 50-100 km from Hyderabad with different prices

    Clear now; sent you an email too. Thanks.
  6. G

    Farm land available 50-100 km from Hyderabad with different prices

    Please provide me details of lands of 50-100 acres, with red non-stony soil in the range of 50-100 km of Hyderabad, with good water and proper road access. Budget 50K-100K/acre.
  7. G

    NREGS has Artificially acquired Labour Problem

    Right, this is a serious problem in AP too. You can get everything but labour.
