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  1. M

    Like to know if anyone is interested to join me in opening a milk dairy farm near Bangalore or Hubli

    Hello All, I am currently doing the research on setting up a milk dairy farm near Bangalore or Hubli. If anyone has interest in setting up the same then we can join together and open up in a larger scale. You an either just do investment and get the returns or we can chalk out the...
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    Milk Dairy Farming

    Dear Ananda Rao, Thanks for your reply. I am still in the very initial stage. I don't have any land as of now and doing research as to where i should buy the land. Regards Mahesh
  3. M

    What rate does to cow & buffallo milk fetch when sold to dairies or KMF, etc

    Hello, What is the current price at which the dairies buy the milk from small farming units. If its sold directly to the market, then we get around 30/- but what if we give it to societies, dairy companies, KMF etc .. ? What is the price given for us for cow and buffallo's milk ? Is it good...
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    Milk Dairy Farming

    Hi All, Please let me know if there is any dairy farm near bangalore which i can visit. And as per my initial analysis, i am seeing that the milk is sold to coperative socieites/companies at approx 13.5 Rs or so. Will this give profits with just 13 to 15 rupees per litre ?
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    Milk Dairy Farming

    Hi Harish, Thanks for your quick reply. Is there any specific section in the veterinary college which can guide me for the setup ? Regards Mahesh
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    Milk Dairy Farming

    Hello, I am very new to Milk dairy farming. I am currently working in Bangalore and thinking of starting a dairy farm. Please let me know where can i get detailed/more info on the same. My plan is start with few cows/buffalos and then slowly expand it. May be anyone with similar interest...
