Search results

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    roofing solutions at competitive rate

    contact I am interested
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    We provide loans, project financing & bank instrument to farmers/individuals

    Beware of such advertisements offering loan. Do not give any money befor getting the loan. Most of them are frauds.
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    Turnkey consultation for solar power project/wind power project/green energy projects

    Solar project Hi Amit, Can you give the following details? How much area is required for a grid connected 100KW system What will be the approximate project cost? What is the PPA price per KW What are the other incentives offered by the Govt? Is it really viable?
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    Agricaulture Land 300 Acres Available for sale

    Please send full details by pm. I am interested
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    Land price will discrese soon in southern tamilnadu because of KudamkulamNuclearPlant

    kudangulam Has the price fallen in Kalpakkam due to nuclear power plant?
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    600 acres agri land near tirunelveli

    land near Tirunelveli I am interested. Please send private message
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    farm land near sankarankovil tirunelveli district

    land in Tirunelveli I am interested in your land near sankarankoil. Please send me your contact details through personal message in this column. Please contact...
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    Details about Green House farming

    green house training Govt. of maharashtra is conducting training programmes in horticulture, floriculture etc in greenhouses. For details clik below Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board : Horticulture Training Center
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    horticulture training Govt. of maharashtra is conducting training programmes in horticulture, floriculture etc in greenhouses. For details clik below Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board : Horticulture Training Center
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    For sale - agricultural land in PERAMBALUR dist. Tamil nadu

    Land near Tirunelveli Hi OMSAIRAM, I need 100 acres land on bus route tar road to the west of Tirunelveli. Do you have anything to offer at lowest prices?
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    wanted near Tirunelveli

    I am looking for PLAIN agricultural land to the west of Tirunelveli near the hills to the extent of about 50 acres having good water and power facilities on TARRED BUS ROUTE. Owners who can offer lowest prices can send me personal messages in this forum.
