Search results

  1. P

    Biogas Enrichment and its Utilisation Plant

    hi we are getting around 1000kgs of cow/buffalo's dung everyday in our farm. want to set up a ideal, maintenace free bio-gas producing set up as well as min. 15 kva bio-genset which shall able to operate 3 hours morning and 3 hours evening. the place is in karnataka near uppinaangadi. are...
  2. P

    Agricultural land for sale in chitradurga

    hi which side of 3 kms from chitradurga boss and is this adjacent to main road and what are the facilities are their, can u communicate to us. thanks, prem.
  3. P

    Hydroponic system :: Kerala

    hi dear sir, can we do this in mango farm which are planted 30 ' diagonally and 8-10years old in karnataka state around 60 km from tumkur distc., if so, kindly communicate the expenditure, terms and conditions etc., to us on premjith19atymaildotcom. prem.
  4. P

    High NITROGEN Organic fertilizer for sale

    hi where are you from? what is the material? what is the price for Tiptur-karnataka state delivery ? please communicat to prem.
  5. P

    Integrated dairy farm consultation required

    dear naidu, have you setup integrated dairy farm and what is the position to-day. Interested in understanding what happened to your ambition, can u share the facts and experiences. regards, premjith.
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    supply & install of bio-gas online purification

    I am from karnataka having a dairy farm and in that generating 25 cum bio-gas in conventional drum system and 6 cum deenabandhu system out of our farm cow dung. At present, the crude bio-gas produced is being used for heating and cooking purposes. now, we are planing to use the same for 100%...
  7. P

    Dairy Firm

    dear sir, canu advise on dairyfarm thanks, premjith.
  8. P

    Teak v/s silver v/s Malai dubia

    interested Dear sir, please send the details
  9. P

    chamundeshwari dairy farm

    hi, we are nearer to hassan, with us available well taken care HFcows of third lactation pregnant/non pregnant, in our farm for sale. only interested parties can write to us on premjith19atymaildotcom and genuine parties can visit the farm to buy the same. Price of the cows purely depend...
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    2Acres of Farm Land @ Palakkad, Kerala

    hi can you send the thanks and regards, premjith
  11. P

    Agriculture Design

    hi how much it cost for the logo and a block design to take print on 5/10/25/50 kgs bags. communicate to us on premjith19at ymaildotcom regards, premjith
  12. P

    Dairy Farming

    hi praveen, It is not viable if u are taking it as your livelyhood or for your survivality. To-day's scenario dairy farm is a most difficult one for the dry land owners like you. Because, nothing is in your hand to calucalte the procurement of any of the inputs to the dairy farm and their is no...
  13. P

    Hydroponic Fodder Production

    hi pradeep, what capacity and which seeds you want to use for this and aprox. 25 lacs/unit cost for 0.6 - 1 MT/day fodder produce capacityunit,plus a technically maintainance is must. are you ready for the same then communicate to us regrds, premjith
  14. P

    wanted labour for DAIRY FARM

    hi surely we can arrange can u contact us on premjith19atymaildotcom thanks and regards, premjith.
  15. P

    want organic manure

    dear sir, if u are able to say to where and howmuch quantity you need , definetly we can do the best. thanks and regards, premjith.
  16. P

    Dream Investment Oppurtunity

    hi all, interested. can u please send the details of the same to us
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    for purchase of wheat grass hi., for purchase of wheat grass what should be done. prathi.
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    Semen of H/F bull required

    hi all, where are u located, what capacity flask and how many straws of semen's required. provide all details or communicate thanks premjith.
  19. P

    conversion to organic farming at low cost

    interested Dear sir, can u communicate to us premjith
  20. P

    professional looking for joint venture with a existing agrii,farming in karnataka

    Hi all, we are group of professional from bangalore , interested and searching to support good,innovative,genuine,model to others green project of tiny/small scale agricultural related,farming projects in karnataka only. The concerned existing or owner/farmers should be a resident...
