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  1. V

    Organic Farming - Environment Benefits

    What are the environmental benefits of organic agriculture? Sustainability over the long term: Many changes observed in the environment are long term, occurring slowly over time. Organic agriculture considers the medium- and long-term effect of agricultural interventions on the agro-ecosystem...
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    Farming in Traditional Indian Method

    Traditional Organic Farming I was surprised to hear that once upon a time in the Great Bharat we were having around 480000 indigenous varieties of paddy seeds. A person in case wants to taste all the varieties of seeds and he tastes one seed a day, he has to live for 1300 years. Even in...
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    Natural Living vs Modern Living

    Modern Life. Today we very proudly tell that we are living in the most modern and civilized world. Are we? We can decide in the end of this reading. Today we farm different townships, new towns and villages, thus people started migrating from one place to other place in search of modern and...
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    Greatness of Cow Urine

    Urine (गोमूत्र): Cow's urine has been described in Ayurveda as a therapeutic agent. The use of cow urine therapy, which is in use over the centuries as a traditional ayurvedic practice, is gaining recognition and acceptability the world over due to recent advances in research in this type of...
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    Desi Cow and Agriculture

    Desi Cow’s Agriculture Benefit. Desi Cow – Indian Breeds of Cows are called as Gaumatha, Kamadhenu, Lakshmi etc., by the people living in the Great Bharath. We consider Desi Cow as our Mother and worship the same. Why it is so important to us? Desi Cow gives us the entire requirement of...
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    Living with Nature

    We have been receiving very good response for organic farming. Today we are posting the benefits of organic farming in this below article. Soil: Organic Agriculture is a long Term effect in Agriculture. This was in India over a millions of years. The main aim is to produce foods and also...
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    Organic Vegetable from House

    Dear Sir Today in news papers we can find news stating that vegetables are grown in polluted water. The water is contaminated and it will have heavy toxic, polluted and contaminated. People living in Metros and Cities are getting vegetables from the nearby areas and the news is that the...
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    Write up on our product Organic Fertilizers and Pesticides

    Dear Friends, A small write up on the product is as below: We are producing two products one is a Fertilizer and another one is a pesticide / insecticide / fungicide. The name of the fertilizer is called as Panchagavya. The process of producing the fertilizer is 51 days. The...
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    Organic Fertilizer Panchagavya for Sale

    Dear Sir Fresh stock of Panchagavya has arrived, please contact for your requirement. Regards Sudhir
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    Cattle and Agriculture - Goes Together

    Role of cattle in agriculture, transport and food India has the largest population of cattle in the world. It is believed that for more than 20% of the world's cattle population, India is the home. The cattle have become a part and parcel of an Indian farmer's family. They help in numerous...
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    Organic Farming - Advantage

    ADVANTAGES OF ORGANIC FARMING Consumer Benefits (i) Nutrition The nutritional value of food is largely a function of its vitamin and mineral content. In this regard, organically grown food is dramatically superior in mineral content to that grown by modern conventional methods. It fosters...
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    Grow Vegetables from your house

    Grow Vegetables Home Agro, Vegetables from your House, Terrace Garden, Kitchen Garden ________________________________________ Dear Brothers and Sisters We are providing the following items for growing vegetables in Balconies, Terrace, Gardens, Farms and other places where the sunlight...
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    Organic Pesticides Agnihastra for Sale

    Organic Pesticides Produced from Ghomutra, Neems Leaves, Garlic, Green Chilly ________________________________________ Dear Sir We are having an organic pesticides, prepared with Ghomutra, Neem leafs, Garlic, Green Chilly, Jaggery and other natural herbs. The process time for preparation...
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    Organic Fertilizer Panchagavya for Sale

    Dear Sir We are Producing Panchagavya an Organic Fertilizer and Pesticide. The greatness of Panchagavya can be found in most of our Indian Books. Traditional Paddy Experiences of Mr.Kannan, Thiruvarur - YouTube Organic Fertilizer by Sudhir, Bangalore - YouTube MOV00089.MPG Organic...
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    Indian System always the Best - Traditional Indian Agriculture

    1. SEASONAL RESTRICTIONS The Hindu month of Sravana (approximately mid-August to mid_September) which coincides with the peak of the main rainy season over most of India is a period during which many castes abstain totally from consumption of fish, poultry, meat and consequently suspend all...
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    Cow Based Agriculture in Organic Farming

    Cow Based Agriculture in Organic Farming Whole world has now recognized the medicinal, agricultural and economic value of cows. Cow is the only animal in the world whose milk, dung and urine all have great value for mankind. There is nothing emotional or religious about it. It is pure science...
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    Advantage of Indian Cow Breed

    Indian cow, buffalo breeds give healthier milk: Research Published: Sunday, June 26, 2011, 10:45 [IST] 'Indian cow, buffalo gives healthy milk' Booking bus tickets is faster and easier than ever before New Delhi, June 26: Indian cow and buffalo breeds possess a rich A2 allele gene that...
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    What are the environmental benefits of organic agriculture?

    Dear Friends Fresh stocks have arrived, and person requiring Panchagavya - Organic Fertilizers and Agnihastra - Organic Pesticides / Insecticides / Fungicides please contact V Sudhindranath, Advocate Bangalore. Mobile +91 99450 66699 Email LTA Trading Private Limited...
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    Organic Agriculture

    Dear Friends Fresh stocks have arrived, and person requiring Panchagavya - Organic Fertilizers and Agnihastra - Organic Pesticides / Insecticides / Fungicides please contact V Sudhindranath, Advocate Bangalore. Mobile +91 99450 66699 Email LTA Trading Private Limited...
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    Organic Agriculture

    Dear Friends Fresh stocks have arrived, and person requiring Panchagavya - Organic Fertilizers and Agnihastra - Organic Pesticides / Insecticides / Fungicides please contact V Sudhindranath, Advocate Bangalore. Mobile +91 99450 66699 Email LTA Trading Private Limited...
