Search results

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    how to start a mango farm. pl inform your place first
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    Coconut Farm for sale in Pollachi

    coconut farm for sale is your offer still open? if so pl quote your price per ares/acres. i will be going forward if we can negotiate based on local prevailing rates and your land location. pl mail
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    Loan for Dairy Farm

    you can approach any nationalised bank. the IOB is helping small and medium farmers owning their own land and place to develop a mini dairy are eligible subject to fulfilling bank may also contact the concerned lead bank in your area.
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    land sale in Kodaikkanal

    Pl mail with your final offer or call me Pl inform the agreement period( maximum) that you can extend? And the sale agreement consideration amount to be given as advance at the time of agreement. Also the guide line value and full detils of the property. If you are considering our proposal we...
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    we want polymer barbed wire fencing

    Sir, i was also looking for the same kind of fencing. I searched in google and got the info. It is too large to write here. Pl visit the just dial site and you will get to know all the dealers in your state and city. Best of luck. Raghupathi
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    R u interested in Agriculture/Livestock Farming

    I HAVE DEVELOPED MY FARM LAND TO AN ORCHARD WITH A VARIETY OF PLANTS AND TREES. I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE ON MY WORK AND I FEEL YOU WILL BE HELPFUL.I AM very much interested in availing your expertise / consultancy services for the Vertically Integrated Agriculture Projects. PL CALL OR MAIL
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    vermicompost&neemcake&earth warms.available.

    Please call me I am interrested to develop my farm near kumbakonam with your product and guidance.
