Search results

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    Lemongrass slips

    Dear members, Lemongrass slips (Var.- Krishna) available for sale at very gud price. Intrested buyers pz contact me at
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    Dear Sir, Lemongrass (variety Krishna) has around 0.8%-0.9% of oil. And the herb yeild is around 250 quintal per hectare per annum, producing around 200-250Kg of oil per hectare per annum. Obviuosly your oil yeild is low which can be bcoz of some technical problem in ur distillation...
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    Wanted dried tulsi

    Dried Tulsi Leaves Dear Sir, we can supply u all kind of dried basil leaves. Kindly contact on or can call me on 9452861261
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    asparagus racemosus -wanted

    Asparagus Dear Sir, We have no of farmers here who are cultivating asparagus. Kindly indicate which quality u require White or yellow. Also mention the quantity. please contact me on
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    Steam distillation equipment for essential oil extraction.

    Distillation unit Dear Sir, Kindly confirm your location. And also provide the details like which aromatic crops ur are cultivating. Here there are no of manufacturers who are making distillation units. If u are located somewhere near Lucknow i can give u details of gud manufacturers here...
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    MuskDana (Abelmoschus moschatus)

    Muskdana Dear Sir, Kindly indicate the quantity required. contact me at
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    Palmarosa Oil and mentha oil

    Dear Sir, We can supply you palmarosa oil. Kindly contact me
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    lemongrass plantation

    tel me the details regarding to area and enviromental conditions
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    Citral Dear Sir, Kindly confirm the present rates and also let me know if you can supply the terpene of the same.
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    palmarosa oil

    Palmarosa Oil Price Thats right sir presently the price is in the range of Rs1800-R2100 per Kg.
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    palmarosa oil

    Palmarosa Cultivation As per the present market conditions Palmarosa no doubt is a profitable crop to cultivate. For detailed economics and other query kindly contact at
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    seeds of lemongrass

    Lemongrass slips Dear Sir, For 10 acres you will require around 2.5 Lakh slips. Kindly confirm the location where you intend to do the cultivation. Lemongrass slip var CIMAP/Krishna can be made available to you. For further query feel free to contact.
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    Medicinal plants needed

    Medicinal plants Good quality Nepali satawari tubers available 1000-1200kg.If needed pl indicate. Thanks 9451504200
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    Gingergrass oil

    Growers and distillers may contact for supply of gingergrass oil which is Cymbopogon martini var. Sofia. Thanks 9451504200/0522-4022273
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    Integrated farming for Papaya

    Integrated papaya cult. I do not think that Maize and mustard with papaya are good combinations. Thanks 9451504200
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    Palmarosa sofia

    We need essential oil of Palmarosa Var. Sofia.Growers/suppliers may contact. Thanks 9451504200/0522-4022273
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    information required

    Teak Data on ordinary and Tissue culture raised plantations are quite interesting. There is five folds increase in returns after 18 years of plantation. Further, progressive people can earn 21 folds higher return. Will it be possible to explain the plant factor that contribute to this much of...
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    mosquitoes in dairy farm

    Mosquito repellent The product is based on the technology transferred by Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Govt. of India) and is quite effective. I myself using the product for last few month. It is based on essential oils derived from plants. A 100ml bottle may cost...
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    mosquitoes in dairy farm

    Mosquitoes problem Dear Sir A firm mentioned below has developed herbal mosquito repellent formulation. You may contact and have the product for its effectiveness: M/s Strategi, 65/1, Modicourt, 2nd Floor, Millers Road, Banglore-560046. Tel.-080-23431723, Mob.-09845022056...
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    There are two species that are called rye in Hindi. One is oil seed crop, Brassica species called rai, the other is Secale cereale called rye, cultivated in temperate climates as grain crop like wheat and also for the production of drug "Ergot". Tahnks 9451504200
