Search results

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    vermicompost for kg-3.25/Rs for quantity-5tones. earthworms per kg 150/Rs in Hyderaba

    How much would it cost to transport the vermicompost to Wynad in Kerala? Do let me know asap. regards, Mrs ravindran
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    Vermicompost for sale near Mysore

    vermicompost Require vermicompost in Wynad,can you deliver there?What is your telephone number? regards, Mrs Ravindran
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    Solar Fans & Air Coolers

    Pls give me details of the product for an estate house.thanks
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    Teak poles 2000nos

    teak poles Please give me the length,age,girth,weight and price at your location and transport to Delhi. regards,mrs ravindran
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    Tamarind for sale!!

    tamarind for sale Please give me the price,the location,the description and specifications and price delivered to me in Delhi;..Thanks Mrs Ravindran
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    Organic Fertilizer in Your Doorstep supply

    Please quote for delivery to our estate about 15 kms from Mananthovady in Kerala for a 25 acre estate coffee and pepper etc.
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    Raisins - Dried Grapes

    dried grapes Kindly give me the price and minimum quantity you are prepared to send to me in Delhi by gatti. thanks mrs ravindran
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    Pomegranate saplings

    Hello, I have been considering growing pomegranates in Wynad Kerala but there is a monkey menace there and I am told they will destroy the fruit I need some advice as to how many saplings we can plant per acre and how they can be protected if at all from the monkeys. Will your saplings...
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    Natural Honey

    Kindly give me the price of the honey and the location and what color and specifications you have. Also have you got beeswax,pure natural beeswax for sale?If so kindly give me the quantity and price .Thanks
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    Honey wax for sale

    Kindlly let me know whether the wax is refined or unrefined and the quantity available with you and the location of the wax,. Thank you and regards
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    Bees Wax

    I need pure,natural beeswax that has been cleaned.Price must be right then the order is for 500 kgs. thanks
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    Virgin Coconut Oil

    I would like the cost of one hundred liters of your virgin coconut oil door delivery to my place in New Delhi. thanks and do let me know if your oil is certified and if you can supply in five liter jars. regards
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    land for sale 90km from bangalore

    land for sale near bangalore Hi, Am interested in your land.In which direction is it from Bangalore;How many acres do you have.Do let me know. ThanksPlease call me
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    nagpur orange for cell from direct farmer at best prise

    nagpur oranges Kindly give me the price of your oranges,the quality and delivery to my door in Delhi. thank you, regards, mrs ravindran
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    coconuts for sale

    coconuts Hi Rajan, Where are you located and kindly give me the price of the coconuts and whether you can deliver it to thanks and regards, mrs ravindran
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    Black Pepper for Whole Sales

    black pepper Kindly give me the variety of pepper that you have,when harvested and the origin and price .Where is it located now. regards, mrs ravindran
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    Malabari and Boer goats for sale

    goats We have the land in Wynad.Are you able to set up and supervise a goat farm for us with about 50 goats?We are in Delhi and would not be able to do it ourselves. regards mrs ravindran
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    nagpur oranges

    I am in Delhi,what is the shelf life of your oranges and what is the minimum quantity you are prepared to send to me and what is the mode of transport. regards, mrs ravindran
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    Sheeps and goats available

    goats Hello, Kindly let me know if you can supply goats to us in Kerala and the breed,age,and location.We are interested in establishing a goat farm shortly. regards mrs ravindran
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    Diabetes tree (Salacia)

    diabetes tree Hello, Would like to know where to get the plants in Kerala.We have land in Wynad and would like to plant these with a buy back arrangement;\regards\
