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    Consutancy Required.

    consultancy visit us at anil patil
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    Help Required - Banana disease

    disease banana It is very interesting blog. From the pictures I can see the following. 1. the planting source is not a tissue cultured plant. 2. the diseases are sigatoga and CMV, possibility of fusarium also is there more pictures needed to confirm as very preliminary symtoms are seen. 3...
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    Use your waste lands -cultivate hybrid castor -7 mt seed yield in six months

    castor send details to variety, price per kg
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    gherkin Dear Ramesh, are u grower or processor, if it is processing problem why cant you check with your processing incharge. If no answer comes out pl. let me know we would help you out after a detailed system audit both from field and process unit. inform your location anil patil...
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    dairy cows

    Hf cows We can source Hf cows of good milk yield for costs around 30 to 35000/- each. from around Bangalore. If interested contact
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    want detail of solanum

    Solanum Dear Swapnil, Inform which solanum is it s. khasianum tomato, brinjal,chilli,bell pepper etc are all solanaceous crops anil patil
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    Sandalwood plantation on 1000 acres near Hyderabad

    project consultancy We offer professional project consultancy services inluding technical support,project report , bank finance support etc. visit us at
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    Loan reguired for Piggery farming

    finance Dear Mohan NABARD will not finance individual small projects but they do refinance banks if bank wants, for which bank has to submit schematic project reports. Now in your case you have to approach a project consultant who can prepare a project report for you. Then you have to...
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    G-9 banana cultivation

    banana cultivation Banana is a very popular crop grown in many farming areas, yields good returns. But the crop is very sensitive to fertilizer regime, responds well to proper NPK management. it is also very suseptable to many virus, bacterial and fungal diseases and to a range of insect pests...
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    Looking for real professional help for starting a project, go safe with senior project consultants. visit at
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    Is Dairy farm profitable?

    profitability Dear Rishi, Yours may be a good case study. In Indian business scenario professionals are kept aside as they ask for a fee and entrepenuer wants to save those pennies. check the following questions which a new dairy entreprenuer has to always ask 1. Is there a vet visiting...
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    Hydroponics Color Capsicum Business Opportunity.

    details please Dear Atul please give your contact number, location/address of the farm I would like to visit, is the cultivation on with produce in place? 09448028970
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    Income from dairy farm is taxable?

    reply 1. A pvt ltd company has to be registered with ROC, it is compulsory and all formalities have to be observed. 2. companies can not own agri land( in karnataka ) ie can not purchase agri land, leasing agri land is also not permitted,you have to look at other options to satisfy the law...
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    Wanted agri consultant - tenkasi

    Agri projects consultancy Dear Mr Viswanathan, Visit us at If you short list us for the services please let us know anil patil
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    need a sheep and dairy related information

    information,support and consultancy Dear Ravi, visit us at Book for the advisory services.This is for investment levels above 30 lakhs for a very professional career matching income levels exceeding IT sector team leads. casual enquiries not...
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    Floriculture and Exotic vegetable- consultancy

    floriculture Dear Sudhakar, Nice to know you are in the profession of floriculture and green house technology. we can offer financial viability support for your or such clients by preparing feasibility or project report. we have about three decades experience in this line.(This is apart...
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    goat farming

    finance goat farming Dear Prashant, You can get finance from nationalised bank of your village for goat farming, you need to prepare a project report and submit. If you would like to entrust the job to us do contact anil patil 9448028970 visit us...
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    Banana G9 cultivation

    banana cultivation Dear Friend,, always start with 6 acres project(7000 plants) or more to make it economical and interesting. Dont start as a trial, by the time trial is completed you are exhausted. Trial experience are different from real in every respect. Dont collect data from multiple...
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    Make use of Land

    profits Profits on the farm of 25 acres should be should be able to earn atleast 12 to 15 lakhs if proper planning is done. find a good advisor locally if not contact us for a full solution we can provide you a VIABLE SOLUTION AFTER VISITING THE LOCATION. anil patil 09448028970...
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    Setting up agriculture company

    agri company Dear Mr Govind, visit us at Untitled Document for all your needs on company, starting business, business ideas, legal aspects,project report contact us anil patil 09448028970
