Search results

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    Gum Karaya, Kondagogu Tiruman For Sale

    Hi We sell the following Gums for its various purposes: 1.GUM KARAYA Rs.620/- Kg Grade-I; Rs.450/- Grade-II and Rs.320/- Gr-III (Sterculia urens 2.GUM OLIBANUM Rs.225/- Kg Grade-I; Rs.180/- (Boswellia serrata) 3.GUM KONDAGOGU Rs.490/- Kg Grade-I; Rs.350/- Grade-II,Rs.260/-...
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    Surpgandha plants

    We can supply Seed... Hello sir, We can supply Sarpagandha Seed... please PM me your required qty of seed to get back the quoted price. Thanks and regards PINKNAMP
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    Curcuma Caesia Rhizome for sale (Black Turmeric/Kali haldi)

    Dear Buyers, Fine Quality Curcuma Caesia (Black Turmeric / Kali Haldi) Rhizome for sale. Qty available is app.2000Kgs only. Quote your best offer through PM along with your email/contact numbers. Sincerely PINKNAMP
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    Urgent Requirement: Coltsfoot Flower, Gum Karaya, Mohwa Seed

    Dear Suppliers, We have the following requirement: 1.Coltsfoot Flower [Tussilago Farfara] = Monthly about 30-50Kgs 2.Gum Karaya = Grade-I for 1000Kgs 3.Gum Kondagogu = Grade-I Max Qty avail with you... 4.Gum Tiruman = Grade-I Max Qty avail with you.... 5.Mohwa Seed [Madhuca...
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    Nithya kalayani (tamil)herb leaves for sale

    Botanical name of this plant is: "Catharanthus roseus (Linn.) G.Don" And it is belongs to "Apocynaceae" Family. The whole plant is having medicinal properties... "Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, kapha, diabetes, hypertension, leukemia and malignancy, the root is stomachic and tonic." PINK...
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    Wanted "Tussilago Farfara" /Coltsfoot Flower/Seed....

    We are in need of Tussilago Farfara / Coltsfoot plant's Flower and Seed. If any Suppliers, please send me Inbox message or msg on my profile.... Thanking you PINK NURSERIES
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    Curcuma Caesia/Black Turmeric Rhizome Plantation material for sale

    Fresh and Wet Curcuma Caesia/Black Turmeric Rhizome for sale for plantation / medicinal use. Send us Inbox msg with your required Qty.
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    Wanted 20-30 acre Land for Nursery around Hyderabad, Warnagal or Nalgonda Dists of AP

    Dear Land buyers, We need Cultivated/Barren land for 20-30Acre for Nursery on Lease/Selling base immediately near by: Hyderabad, Warangal Dist and Nalgonda Dists with good road connectivity and sufficient water facility. Regards PINK NURSERIES
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    Wanted Krishna Tulsi seed & Black Turmeric Rhizome

    Write us for Black Tuemeric Rhizome for Regeneration use/Medicinal use with your contact email-id to our inbox.....
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    Wanted 20-30Acre Land for Nursery in Warangal, Nalgonda or Rangareddy Dist of A.P.

    Hello to all., We need 20-30Acrs of Land with enough water resource and good road connectivity for the Nursery. Please send me IM with location details, I'll pass the mailing details to get detailed quote and further discussions. PINK NURSERIES
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    Urgently in need of Curcuma Caesia (Black Turmeric) Rhizome for Plantation

    Hello Dear Mr.Budhen Please send me detailed quotation for the Curcuma Caesia/Black Turmeric for 500Kgs to 4000Kgs. I would be glad for your earliest reply. Please also send me the Picts of Cross section of the rhizome along with the Quote. Please contact... Regards PINK NURSERIES Andhra Pradesh
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    Urgently required this material for cultivation

    Hello dear Suppliers We need the following material on immediate base for cultivation. 1.Trichopus zeylanicus (Arogyapacha) Seed - 2Kgs 2.White Palash Seed - 2Kgs 3.Krishna Tulsi Seed - 2Kgs 4.Stevia - 40000 saplings 5.Rudraksh Seed - 2Kgs 6.Curcuma Caesia Rhizome (Fresh) - 500Kgs...
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    Wanted Trichopus zeylanicus Seed/Plantation Material

    Hello All Suppliers I need Trichopus zeylanicus (Arogyapacha) Plantation material/Seed/Saplings. Suppliers feel free to contact me by inbox message asap. Regards PINK NURSERIES Andhra Pradesh
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    Wanted Krishna Tulsi seed & Black Turmeric Rhizome

    Sent you IM, Please get back to my email Hello Sir, I've sent you inbox message with my email-id to get back to me there.... and I'm honestly waiting for your reply. Hope you email me the quoted price from your end. Thanking you Pink Nurseries
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    Rudraksh plants are avalable

    What is the age of saplings? At what price you can able to supply and is quality seed also available? Please send me inbox message. Thanks in advance Pink Nurseries
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    Wanted Stevia Plantation Material

    Hello all suppliers, We are in need of Stevia plantation material for 1Hec., please send me details for the plantation material to: and also let us know if any buyback guarantee supply is there... Regards PINK NURSERIES
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    Wanted Krishna Tulsi seed & Black Turmeric Rhizome

    Hello Suppliers we need Krishna Tulsi seed (2Kgs) and Curcuma Caesia (Black Turmeric) Rhizome (500/600Kgs) for plantation. Suppliers having it, please let me know through my inbox. Thanks in advance. PINK NURSERIES ANDHRA PRADESH Email:
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    Require Representatives to promote Stevia Cultivation in Gujarat

    Please send us stevia Plantation material & buyback agreement Hello there We are the cultivators and interested to plant stevia this time. Please send us project details (plantation material, buy back agreements of stevia leaf) to my inbox or to: Thanks and regards
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    Urgently in need of Curcuma Caesia (Black Turmeric) Rhizome for Plantation

    Hello dear suppliers Am in need of Curcuma Casia Rhizome sufficient for 1Acre cultivation. If anybody can supply wet and good quality Rhizome for reasonable price, I appreciate your quotation for 1 Acre (Best of my knowledge, 500-600Kg rhizome required for 1 acre), so suppliers please keep in...
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    Emu chicks supply

    Pls send complete project report for 100 pairs Dear Sir, Please send us complete project report for 100 pairs (From required space, breeders/chicks to its matured stage (2/3yrs)). Because we are planning to establish one such form soon. Thanks and regards PINK NURSERIES Andhra Pradesh
