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    Knowledge series 1a

    Dear farmers, Vermicompost is an unique organic product which improves not only soil condition but it also contains plant nutrients -major, secondary and trace micronutrients along with important vitamins, enzymes and amino acids. It plays an effective role than all other organic inputs...
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    Suitable manure and pesticide for vegetable and fruit plants

    Active man arun kumar Dear Arun, Really you are doing excellent in promoting organic product..where ever you see the very mention of organic crop production methods , you waste no time to post all about your product as immediate follow up..keep continuing until after...
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    Farm tourism-astro-organic concept project

    Humico Then how come you sent a sample humic acid which I tried week long to pull it out of container since your humico was like half melted MRF tyre even sleeping now safely you still justify your humico an international product ..when humic acid is under research worlwide how come you...
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    Farm tourism-astro-organic concept project

    Attention humico Hi Mr.Nitesh I wish to remind you that when you were staying in my home in chennai for your humico product sales, I have shown you everything about farm tourism project being undertaken by me with an aid of technically competent expert group from different field concerning...
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    Farm tourism-astro-organic concept project

    Dear friends ! The some foundation of chennai has designed a farm tourism project based on Astro-organic concept..and the focus area are as follows - Minimum area 25 acres and maximum area 250 acres -the cottages/dormitory/resthouse-individual as well as family are made of purely thorn...
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    SCIENTIFIC CULTIVATION TRAINING FOR WTAERMELON CROP IN CHENNAI ON 15 & 16 th DECENBER Hi sir , this the website address Regards, carnay
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    Suggestions required on where to invest.

    Becoming a millionaire/ Multimillionaire thro' Agriculture Hi , You want to become full time farmer ? you want to earn money from farming ? Your life here after is farming ? You have passion for farming ? Then do not worry. Here is solution to your problem . You need not waste your time...
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    neem cultivation

    Neem based product Well presented about Neem based agri-bio product and importance of neem tree. The SOME FOUNDATION is considering to undergo trial with your various neem based products in our farmers demonstration field. However the some foundation request HCMS to present a status report on...
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    HUMIC ACID-NIRAMAY-Appreciated

    Dear Niramay ! Greetings and lot of thanks for you and your company ! It seems that you are an honest and really pro-farmer Agri inputs supplying company. The SOME FOUNDATION is immensely pleased to continue business relationship with your company on behalf of thousands...
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    Scientific cultivation training for watermelon-chennai

    Watermelon Training -postponed-Informed to All watermelon farmers Dear Watermelon farm enthusiast ! I regret to inform all of our watermelon enthusiast who expressed willingness to participate in scientific cultivation training for watermelon that the training date is postponed due to the...
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    Software professionals in agriculture - fantasy or success

    Some foundation makes agriculture a reality for software person Hi all ! we closely watch software professionals' mooring and debate over agriculture as whether it is a viable business or risky. Why worry? here somefoundation guides these persons in right direction.. Whoever is interested in...
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    Scientific cultivation training for watermelon-chennai

    How much we will get for attending training will you give as any advance-Srinivasan Dear Mr.Srinivasan ! Will you please clarify on the following ? you have sent an email asking " how much we will get for attending training.will you give as any advance" How much your good self expect as...
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    which is the best capsicum verity for green shade cultivation

    capsicum varieties for greenhouse/shadenet cultivation Dear sreedhar It is california wonder, chinese giants, world beater,yolo wonder bharat,Arka gaur, Arka basant,early giant bullnose, Ruby king come up well in shade net condition You may try boldly Regards, Carnay
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    Scientific cultivation training for watermelon-chennai

    SCIENTIFIC CULTIVATION TRAINING FOR WATERMELON IN CHENNAI ON 15 & 16 th DECEMBER 2012 Dear Watermelon farmers ! All interested watermelon farmers are requested to register their names through Untitled Document[/url] to participate in the scientific cultivation training for watermelon scheduled...
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    Scientific cultivation training for watermelon-chennai

    Watermelon cultivation training Dear sir, Thank you for your response. We can conduct training in Hyderabad but the practical difficulties are that we do not know people there. If your good self take responsibilities and provide infrastructure for the conduct of training...
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    Scientific cultivation training for watermelon-chennai

    Watermelon cultivation training Dear pumitha , Thanks for your response. The venue is arranged near Egmore chennai. The proper details will be communicated to all not later than 8 th december 2012. Regards carnay
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    Scientific cultivation training for watermelon-chennai

    Bulk buyer for watermelon Sir, Most of the seeds companies are operating from bangalore . In agriculture industry , marketing is a problem for many of the farmers.. Here in this watermelon cultivation training progressive watermelon farmers share their experiences with those who...
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    Scientific cultivation training for watermelon-chennai

    Watermelon cultivation training Dear sir, Thanks for your response. You are most welcome . SOME foundation will keep this relationship ever growing ...will work in the interest of farming community.. Regards, carnay
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    Scientific cultivation training for watermelon-chennai

    Watermelon Training Dear Mr.Svenky ! Thanks for your response. Please follow our recent postings pertaining to your queries. Regards, Carnay
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    Scientific cultivation training for watermelon-chennai

    Cultivation training on watermelon-information Dear all watermelon farmers ! Greetings! You can register your name for watermelon training from 8th December 2012, saturday onwards and registration closes an hour before commencement of Training...
