Search results

  1. G

    28 acres for sale near to hyderabad

    hii iam having 28 acres which is loacted just 110kms from hyderabad sosts 1.6laks per acre village-turkapaly mandal-narayankedh dist-medak land details -full water facility,red soil, having 3 bores for more details cost-1.8laks this land is suitable for farm house ,cultivation of differt...
  2. G

    140 acres sale near to hyd. 110kms

    Village-Mukthapur Mandal-Manoor District-medak Registration office-Narayankedh Area of the land-140acres Cost of the land -1.5lakh Details of cultivation 1) Mango tress-45acres 2) Cotton plants-15acres 3)barrel land-left out acres 4)fencing for the whole land 5)black soil Water...
  3. G

    iam havin 28 acres for sale near hyd for just 1.8laks per acre

    hii iam having 28 acres which is loacted just 110kms from hyderabad sosts 1.6laks per acre village-turkapaly mandal-narayankedh dist-medak land details -full water facility,red soil, having 3 bores for more details cost-1.8laks this land is suitable for farm house ,cultivation of differt...
  4. G

    iam havin 28 acres for sale near hyd for just 1.8laks per acre

    hii iam having 28 acres which is loacted just 110kms from hyderabad sosts 1.6laks per acre village-turkapaly mandal-narayankedh dist-medak land details -full water facility,red soil, having 3 bores for more details cost-1.8laks this land is suitable for farm house ,cultivation of differt...
  5. G

    i have 100 acres land for sale

    hiii this land is locatd is 106kms from hyderabad and the toal area of the land is 95 acres village-raikod mandal-raikod dist- medak details of land resale land soil-black cultivation of sugar cane -45 acres cultivation of other vegetabls -15 acres other left out acres is barel land water...
  6. G

    100 acres land for sale in ap(hyderabad)

    hii viceroy hiii this land is locatd is 106kms from hyderabad and the toal area of the land is 95 acres village-raikod mandal-raikod dist- medak details of land resale land soil-black cultivation of sugar cane -45 acres cultivation of other vegetabls -15 acres other left out acres is...
  7. G

    100 acres land for sale in ap(hyderabad)

    hii viceroy vilage name-raikod mandal-raikod dist-medak land details -this land is culivated with 45 acres sugar cane, other with cotton , so this land includes 4 wells with full water thru out the year and havin connection from singoor water project, this land is resale colour of soil-black...
  8. G

    100 acres land for sale in ap(hyderabad)

    hii sir yea v r havin land in mokila ehch is suitable for poultary whch is 60km from hyd so can give me ur num
  9. G

    i have 100 acres land for sale

    hello seshu sir land is in zaherabad area whch is 15kms inside fron nh9 mumbai higway wwater sources in the sense v r havin 4 wells with full of water and 2 bore wells and check dams nw the present cultivation is sugar cane and wheat and with 4 labour shed for btr info is my num
  10. G

    100 acres land for sale in ap(hyderabad)

    hello sir yes sir v r havin but v need to talk so me
  11. G

    100 acres land for sale in ap(hyderabad)

    10 acres bit also available this land is in zaheerabad but costs around 2 to 2.5laks but with cultivated so u can contact me
  12. G

    100 acres land for sale in ap(hyderabad)

    just 75kms from hyderabad vilage name raikod u can call me on
  13. G

    land for sale in ap(hyderabad)from 30000 to 2laks full cultivated

    i have 100 acres agriculutre land wiith full of cultivated sugar cane ,4 wells ,check dam price for 2laks per acre negoitable) delears excuse...if intrestd call me on eight one four three six double one eight nine seven
  14. G

    100 acres land for sale in ap(hyderabad)

    i have 100 acres agriculutre land wiith full of cultivated sugar cane ,4 wells ,check dam price for 2laks per acre negoitable) delears excuse...if intrestd call me at
  15. G

    Agriculture land in Andrapradesh(near SangaReddy) / Maharashtra(near Pune Dist).

    iam having 100 acres land for sale yea sir actually iam having 100 acres land in zaherabad... land is situated at rukmapur mandal just 14kms frm nh9 highway .. 1acre 2laks ...u can call me on
  16. G

    i have 100 acres land for sale

    hi, actually iam having 100 acres land bits in andhra pradesh just 70kms from hyderabad ,and costing just 2 lakhs only if willing to buy pls contact me
