Search results

  1. N

    Farm Manager - Growth Opportunity, Competitive Fee

    We are looking for experienced farm manager for our plantations in Sivagangai district. Please respond directly with your resumes. For more information visit our website. Please contact...
  2. N

    Experienced Agri Consultant Required Immediately - Tamil Nadu

    Friends and Collegues - We are also looking for experienced farm managers for our horticultural and bio-mass plantations. Interested candidates may respond directly with your resumes or queries. Best regards..
  3. N

    Experienced Agri Consultant Required Immediately - Tamil Nadu

    Please contact Nostradamus - Not sure what your question was. Feel free to contact me at the above email. Best regards..
  4. N

    Experienced Agri Consultant Required Immediately - Tamil Nadu

    We are looking for an agriculture consultant to hire in the next 2 weeks for our project in Sivagangai district, Tamil Nadu. Project details will be shared individually with candidates. The right candidate will have experience in the full agri project lifecycle, including : Phase I Land...
  5. N

    Fertile Agri land for corporate agriculture and firms

    Still available Do you still have this land ? There does not seem to be much activity on this thread...:)
  6. N

    300 acres for sales near trichy

    Pondybala, Your inbox is full. Please clear it. Can you send your cell number,please contact...
  7. N

    250 acres of land for sales in Dharmapuri District, Tamilnadu

    I am interested, Can you send me your mobile number,please contact....
  8. N

    sowing time for opium poppies

    hmm.. So what would you typically do with opium poppies?....apart from making opium of course and a having an awesome weekend!
  9. N

    Software Professionals Turned Farmers

    made my evening Venki - you are one funny writer, made my evening. I do not want to dismiss your hardwork or disappointing experiences but I loved the way you described it...:) well, you seem to be the resilient sort of person. Good luck in your next venture, I am sure you'll break thru!
  10. N

    Contract Farming

    Hello, I am thinking of leasing land from a landlord and pay him on an annual basis. Can some please provide some guidance around what is the market rate leasing or rent for land? If there is usually a calculation or % (as part of produce, revenue,etc), I would like that calculation as well...
  11. N

    Quick Return Agriculture projects.

    agrowonder : What is your website URL?
