Search results

  1. C

    Looking To Buy Emu's - Breeders & Chicks

    Please send your contact details through PM
  2. C

    Looking To Buy Emu's - Breeders & Chicks

    hello, I'm looking to by adult emu's and chicks. If you have any for sale, please send me your contact details through PM. Do include the price details while contacting me.
  3. C

    Looking For Developed Farmlands (coconut farms preferably) In South Karnataka

    Hello, I'm looking buy developed farm lands with good water resource in south karnataka or Karnataka - Tamil Nadu border. Please let me know the details in case you have any land available. I'd like to know the price first before deciding on the number of acres. Thanks, Communityn
  4. C

    Need Farmland In South Karnataka or Karnataka/Tamil Nadu Border

    Hello, I'm looking for farmland in south Karnataka. Please send me the asking price per acre along with land details (preferably looking for lands less than one lack per acre). Land must be accessible and it does not matter if the approach road is tar road or not. Water availability is a...
  5. C

    emu chicks for sale

    Whats the price per chick?
  6. C

    Krishi Mela in Bangalore on 19th Nov ?

    Thanks for the info
  7. C

    Krishi Mela in Bangalore on 19th Nov ?

    Hello, Wondering if anyone had any info on the krishi mela happening in bangalore (GKVK) this month. Any info is appreciated. Thanks, Rajeev
  8. C

    Need Farm Land - 25 - 30 Acres

    Still Looking
  9. C

    Need Farm Land - 25 - 30 Acres

    Hi, I'm looking to buy 25 - 30 acres of farm land close to Bangalore, Karnataka-Tamil Nadu border or in kerala. Land must be fertile with good amount of water supply. My budget for farm land is below Farm Land close to Bangalore - 50 - 65K/Acre Land In TN - Karnataka border - 30 -...
