Search results

  1. G

    near mamndur on gst road nh 45 300 acer for sale

    near mamndur on gst road nh 45 200 ft 300 acer for sale very clear title use colleage factory houseing project wind power energy any pupose just 65 km from chennai 45 km from airport 25 km from tambaram for more detail ple contact kpgowtham Please contact... p s groups
  2. G

    We buy Agriculture land All over India

    dear sir we have agriculture land on gst nh45 300 acer if want purchase around 1500 acer is avilable this land from chennai 65 km airport 45 km tambaram 25 km suitable any purpose if you want more detail ple contact kpgowtham psgroups Please contact..
  3. G

    20 Acres land near Vandavasi

    price and location ple reply me
  4. G

    before trichy 500 acer for sale price 1.50 laks

    before trichy 500 acer clear title agri land 6 km from nh 45 inside road price 1.50 laks per accer intrest part ple call me kpgowtham ps groups
  5. G

    near chormepet 35 ground for sale

    35 ground near chromepet just 2.5 km from gst road clear title ready for sale this land suitable houseing project more detail ple call me kpgowtham ps groups please contact..
  6. G

    on gst road nh 45 near veapur 200 acer for sale

    just 200 km from chennai on gst road nh 45 400 ft 200 acer for sale this before veapur this land suitable for factory lay out colleage any purpose price is also very resonable for more detail kpgowtham ps groups Please contact..
  7. G

    urgent wanted500 acer and above up to trichy price acer 1 lak

    we want 500 and above agri are wet land we need up to trichy with road approch red soil price 1 lak per acer intrest party ple call me or reply me full detail of land thanks kpgowthaman ps groups Please contact..
  8. G

    wanted 500 acer in south side before trichy

    we want 500 acer and above in south tamil nadu up to trichy with road approch and sale dt red soil price below 1 lak per acer intrest party ple send full detail of land with your contact detail urgent kpgowtham ps groups
  9. G

    cheep price 125 acer red soil land for sale near karur

    ple call me price is negotiable land is towards dindugal more detail ple callme
  10. G

    2000 acres land required near sriperumpudur

    as per your request land is avilable ple call me give you full detail gowtham
  11. G

    cheep price 125 acer red soil land for sale near karur

    just 40 km from karur 1000ft busroute single document clear title red soil use colleage factory farm house any purpose price per acer 1.50 laks if want more detail ple contact kpgowthaman ps group please contact..
  12. G

    Buy dry / barron land

    we have land near karur 125 acer red soil 1000 ft frtage dry land single doument clear title if you intrest me ple call give you full detail
  13. G

    46 acres of land near Mettur dam

    dear sir iam intrested this land ple send your mobile no this id i can speak to you urgent kpgowtham Please contact..
  14. G

    wanted 5to 10 acer land trichy to puthukottai high way

    we are intresting to purchase 5 to 10 acer land trichy to puthukottai high way intrest party contact kpgowtham ps real Please contact..
  15. G

    wanted agri land cheyyur to chitamur state high way 115 50 wanted

    we want 50 agri land cheyyur to chitamur line state high way 115 this area only purchase with in 7 days intrest party contact me kpgowtham psreal
  16. G

    near vigai dam 300 acer devloped farm land for sale

    ple call give you full detail
  17. G

    near vigai dam 300 acer devloped farm land for sale

    near vigai dam 300 acer devloped farm land for sale this farm from theani 7 km vigai dam 5km sigle owner clear title good income for more detail ple contact kpgowtham ps real Please contact,,
  18. G

    very good income farm land for sale near karur

    just 40 km from karur 150 acer fullydevloped farm land 1, big well 2, 8 bore 3, 6 free service 4,fulltrip syestem 5, 25 laks above income per year very clear document price is very resonable more detail ple contact kpgowthaman ps real Please contact,,
  19. G

    agriculture dryland wanted in south tamilnadu

    we have dry land south tamil nadu please call or pvt mail..
  20. G

    just 30 km state hi salegh way near karur 1000ft 80 acer land for

    just 30 km from karur bust route1000 ft 80 acer this land use for lay out factory farm house collage any purpose price also very resnaple more detail ple contact kpgowtham ps real Please contact...(only pvt msg)
