Recent content by vithayphil

  1. V

    Advertising Olives - Lucritive crop cultivation for Indian Soil & weather conditions

    I have been keenly following information on the progress of Olives cultivation in India over the past few years. Sadly, a few developments got initiated in Gujarat , Rajastan & Maharastra but nothing much happened after the initial fanfare. I believe Indian Soil conditions & weather is enough (...
  2. V

    Farmland needed within 150 Kms of Bangalore

    3 Acre Farm for sale at Nagamangala My 2 acre Farm is for sale at Nagamangala - This is 129 kms from Bangalaore city
  3. V

    Neem Oil in banglore

    Neem Oil You get small quantities of Neem Oil from small grocery stores - for bigger quantities you need to contact small Oil mills around Bangalore - they process Neem seeds for oil production - I have seen one in Hoskote
  4. V

    procedure of purchasing agricultural land

    Agricultural Land Swamy is correct. Your Wife's Family too can purchase the land and then gift it to her
  5. V

    dogs for farm

    Farm Dogs Go for Dashsunds to assist you in your Farm during the day - they are intelligent and very good at sniffing & warning Danger - especially snakes / rats etc. Go for local Mongrels to let out at Night around the farm. They sturdy & easy to maintain especially if your farm is not...
  6. V

    New face in Agriculture

    Cattle Hi Binoy You should research on the internet or books to decide on what kind of Cattle you are deciding upon (Cow, Buffalo,Horse, Goat, Sheep Pig, Poultry..)- then delve deeper into the nutritional , Health & Management of the animal. Start on a small scale / consult people who are...
  7. V

    New Pig Farm legal requirments

    Piggery You do not require any Govt clearances to start one - if your farm/land is big enough and you're far away from any neighbours who will be disturbed by their noise or hygine conditions. If you are looking to start one on a modern day technology venture - please consult an expert -...
  8. V

    Cost of fencing

    Fence You need to mention your location kind of fence to be put up etc
  9. V

    Income from teak

    Teak Thank you for your input Mr BalaKrishna - Of course Tissure culture saplings are advantageous with a quick start backed with modern biotechnology!
  10. V

    Nabard goat farming subsidy

    Nabard Its best to access the NABARD website & get the contact Office & bTel no of Officers closest to your land - Fix an appointment & discuss your intentions & plans - they will wholeheartedly guide you through. If you do not get any support from the lower rung officers - then escalate your...
  11. V

    Income from teak

    Teak My humble advise to you is - do not pay much attention to paper calculations - they are simply statistics! Realistic output of timber depends on the ground realities! - Soil,Water&maintenance Of the three main factors - I would emphasise most - maintenance & care for the plants in the...
  12. V

    For Sale Silver Oak, Bangalore

    Timber Your best guide would be to approach a timber cutting yard close to your land and ask them for a quotation or go to the timber yard and enquire the cost of silver oak wood per cubic feet - accordingly assess the yield that can be harvested from cutting your trees. Make sure to factor...
  13. V

    New Farm House

    Farm House Construction To construct a farm House it is advisable to go in for local materials as much as possible. Factor in the labour costs to double in your budget - it always ends up much more than anticipated! Its always a good idea to contruct a fence around your proposed House to...
  14. V

    Breeding bull

    Bull Every bull will breed with your cow! You need to specify the kind of bull you are looking for - like Holstein , Heifer, Jersey, Friesan etc But any day - getting the cow artificially inserminated with the help of a Government Vet is much easier and cheaper - he will have the required and...
  15. V

    Ring/Pit-planting method for Sugarcane

    Pit Making I think pit drilling can be mechanised with the help of a tractor with that accessory attached to its rear. Can somebody enlighten us on this implement that can help in digging pits faster ?
