Event Talk with Mr. Veer Shetty Biradarm on 'Cultivation of Millets and Value-added Millet Products'



Staff member
Mr. Veer Shetty Biradarm of Gangapur village in Sangareddy District of Telangana State is a graduate and owns 13 acres of dryland and 5 acres of irrigated land. He grows sugarcane, chickpea, red gram, jowar, bajra, foxtail millet and finger millet. He started growing millets and entered the field of value-added millet products under the technical guidance from ICRISAT. He says, one of the reasons for focusing on value added millet products is the emergence of lifestyle diseases among the urban population and prevalence of junk food consumption among the youth. He is the Founder of SS Bhavani Foods Pvt. Ltd. which developed 60 value-added millet products from sorghum, bajra, foxtail millet and finger millet.


Staff member
This event will be done on phone. If you are interested to join the call, please post your reply here or email to support@agricultureinformation.com along with your contact number. If you are unable to attend the call you can leave your questions/comments on the discussion thread. During the meeting, the moderators will ask the questions on your behalf.
