All members in this thread: Please be cautious about fake claims of having Aji charapita cultivation in India and offering seeds at very high prices - Rs. 5000 to 10,000 for 25 seeds!!. The images of small yellow fruits and seeds and plants they may send you are from the internet stock photos-not from their own farms. They are images of mainly mutated dwarf of Aji Charapita, and not the real Aji Charapita. Peruvian farmers and chilli traders don't sell seeds of original Aji Charapita, and if you ask them to supply seeds, they will tell you that they don't sell their seeds of Aji chillies as it is their heritage: a good lesson for Indian people, Indian scientists, Indian government led by politicians and officials-selling everything cheap including our farming heritage.
Attn: Member: Garao56: English Name: Wild Peruvian Chili Pepper. The charapita group of chillies from Peruvian Amazon region are equal to a Cayenne pepper based on Scoville Heat Unit (SHU) measurement of strength/heat/pungency.