- Mango – the king of fruits is a most wonderful, delicious and very sweet fruit consumd by people all over the world . India is the native country where the mango fruit tree originated and being cultivated for over 4000 years
An early traveler to India , Hsiian Tsang was the first person to bring this fruits to the notice of outside world during 632-645 A.D .The Mugal Emperors liked this mango fruits very much and Akbar the great planted an orchard of 1,00,000 mango trees .
Mango cultivation is found in many countries of Southeast Asia – the Philippines, Indonesia, Java, Thailand, Burma, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.
Introduction of the mango to East and West Africa and subsequently to Brazil is said to have occurred in the sixteenth century.
Mexico acquired the mango in the nineteenth century, and it entered Florida in 1833. The cultivated mango varieties are the result of constant selection by man from original wild plants for over 4000 years.
Now the Hi Tech cultivation method has made mango cultivation really a profitable Agriculture venture .
Hi-density mango cultivation involves spacing of 3 M by 1 M row to row and plant to plant spacing .
The success of hi tech mango fruit cultivation depends on the canopy management that involves removing diseased and insect damaged , weak, criss cross , very old and unproductive branches and maintaining standard number of productive branches to produce quality fruits . The canopy managment involves periodical light pruning and occational heavy pruning to facilitate easy penetration of air and sun light through entire canopy that trigger more flowerings and convertion of most of the flowers into fruits .
Mango is a highly cross pollinated crops and pollination is assisted by bees, wasp , winds, and gravity .
Inspite of very large number of flowers produced in mango trees, less than 1% of flowers only turns into fruits
Though thousands of flowers are produced in a single panicle ( flower bunches ) few flowers only set into fruits..
Spray Urea @ 0.5% ( 5 grams urea in 1 lit water )
Or Pottasium Nitrate @ 1% ( 10 grams in 1 lit water )
To increase the fruit set and retention of fruits spray 2% Potassium nitrate ( 20 grams in 1 lit water )
Or 20 PPM NAA at flowering stage to retain fruits
Mango tree under meadow orchard needs 30-50 litre per tree per day . Pre flowering irrigation is avoided to induce spurting of more flower buds in mango
The yielding potential of Meadow orchard mango cultivation is 12-15 MT per acre
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