I wish to start a organic vegetable farming,cow&got farm. Need financial help



New Member
Dear all,I wish to start a organic vegetable farming,cow&got farm.But I have no money and land.if any one can help please contact me.my no 929400127646. E-mail radhakrishna3551@gmail
And I am ready to do hard work with you.
Thank you.

my farm

Active Member
we are the manufacturer of organic compost / manure from food waste. Its 100% organic in nature. Very good results on potato, tomato, oninons, pomegranate, papaya, grapes, mango, chikoo, shitafal (crusted apple), ramfal, banana, bor, cane, orange and all the fruits and vegetables. Actually it gives best results on any plant in horticulture and agriculture. Its very good for every plant and tree.
its available in 50 kg bags - 600/- is mrp. transportation extra. Result guaranteed.
for unmatched quality and more details may contact pankaj mali on 9011049301.


New Member
Dear all,I wish to start a organic vegetable farming,cow&got farm.But I have no money and land.if any one can help please contact me.my no 929400127646. E-mail radhakrishna3551@gmail
And I am ready to do hard work with you.
Thank you.
Mr. Radhakrishna where do you live . And do you have any experience in farming
