Wanted Want agriculture land for long lease in Maharastra



New Member

I am looking for agriculture land on long lease following is the requirement :
-Around 50 Acre or more parcel of cultivated land
-water through out the year
- road connectivity
-long lease
Around 2 hours drive from Mumbai

Please contact : majorsindhu@gmail.com

CSIR-IIIM, Jammu, Govt. of India & Pacific Agro, Nagpur is Organizing National Seminar cum Training Camp on Aromatic grass cultivation & Oil Distillation on 2nd Oct, 2016, Sunday at CSIR-NEERI, Wardha rd, Nagpur (MS), for details kindly log in www.aromediherbs.com or call us on 07083757145, 09730107163, 09422881280.
Note- If Registration done before 20 Sep 2016, no fee.

We are offering agriculture land on long lease near satara koregaon if anybody interested please contact us. around 20 acrs water available road touch, frontage around 200 mtrs.
