Advice to have intercrops in mango garden



New Member
We have a mango garden(partnership with an uncle). The garden is about 8 acres in Chittoor District, near V Kota which is close to Karnataka. We have our own well and around 1 acre of empty land which we gave our care taker for free to use for some farming for his income. We have recently even got drip irrigation set up for the garden. I am an IT guy and have no idea of how to go about farming but want to do something in agri business.

Since it is far from city, I will have to leave my job which is a risky thing to do so doing the research before deciding.

One basic doubt is can I use the existing set up to start off farming. Mango garden is now old (like around 15 years or little more) and we are leasing it out every year to some farmer there. Is it possible to have any intercrop between mango trees. Are there any crops/veggies that I can plant and can start generating revenues in short term(as i need to substitute my income from job from agriculture) initially and slowly i can expand to medium term crops.

We have tried teak around the garden but someone had cut few of them without our notice and some died it seems. My elders did not bother to plant any on fencing since we are not able to visit farm regularly and someone are cutting them for their benefit.

I am looking at options of investing in some cows also so that we can get dung which can be used for manure and also get revenue from milk. If it appears profitable, then I mught explore option of investing in solar panels for power backup.

I need help in validating the above idea, suggestions on short term inter crops, help on modern cultivation techniques like greenhouse using which we can increase productivity and income, how much it would cost for having a green house and maintaining it for an acre, leverage the drip irrigation setup we have got,. How many days will it take to generate profits in such a setup. I know i am asking a vague question but i am so confused so had to reach out the forum for help.

kirti s

Well-Known Member
Hello Sir

pls tell me the spacing ur following in ur mango orchard.
Dont select perennial crops as intercrops.

vegetable such as tomato, onions, beans, cauliflower, beans.
medicinal crops such as ashwagandha, vinca rosea, coleus can also be grown.
strawberry, pineapple can also be grown. ill give u more information shortly


Senior Member
We have a mango garden(partnership with an uncle). The garden is about 8 acres in Chittoor District, near V Kota which is close to Karnataka. We have our own well and around 1 acre of empty land which we gave our care taker for free to use for some farming for his income. We have recently even got drip irrigation set up for the garden. I am an IT guy and have no idea of how to go about farming but want to do something in agri business.

Since it is far from city, I will have to leave my job which is a risky thing to do so doing the research before deciding.

One basic doubt is can I use the existing set up to start off farming. Mango garden is now old (like around 15 years or little more) and we are leasing it out every year to some farmer there. Is it possible to have any intercrop between mango trees. Are there any crops/veggies that I can plant and can start generating revenues in short term(as i need to substitute my income from job from agriculture) initially and slowly i can expand to medium term crops.

We have tried teak around the garden but someone had cut few of them without our notice and some died it seems. My elders did not bother to plant any on fencing since we are not able to visit farm regularly and someone are cutting them for their benefit.

I am looking at options of investing in some cows also so that we can get dung which can be used for manure and also get revenue from milk. If it appears profitable, then I mught explore option of investing in solar panels for power backup.

I need help in validating the above idea, suggestions on short term inter crops, help on modern cultivation techniques like greenhouse using which we can increase productivity and income, how much it would cost for having a green house and maintaining it for an acre, leverage the drip irrigation setup we have got,. How many days will it take to generate profits in such a setup. I know i am asking a vague question but i am so confused so had to reach out the forum for help.
we are giving cunseltancy for multi cropping system,dence cropping system mango garden sutable inter cropping for existing plantatiori.first initial investment then low maintenance high income more than you getting now. please send details what is the distance of your existing mango many trees in total 8 acers farm how much you are getting from the farm how much spendimg for farm per year ..your farm soil type .how much you can invest in farm initial. do you know how many mango plants accomodate one acer. i have a miracle no . .in this system 4 types of inter crop plants as inter crops for entire farm.maximum utilization.of land.please send details to
