Abdul Kadhar of SAFS Organic Enterprises will have talk about bio fertilizers



Active Member
You are invited to attend a webinar (live discussion) with Abdul Kadhar of SAFS Organic Enterprises, Puducherry

This talk will be about bio fertilisers and bio growth promoter products for agriculture and home gardens


How to attend this online meeting:

Date: April 18, 2013
Time: 2.30pm IST
Location: Online Meeting via GoToMeeting. Limited seats available. First come first serve only.

Meeting Link https://www1.gotomeeting.com/join/546849480

You will be connected to audio using your computer's microphone and speakers (VoIP). A headset is recommended.
Meeting ID: 546-849-480
Not at your computer? Click the link to join this meeting from your iPhone®, iPad® or Android® device via the GoToMeeting app.

If this is the first time you are using GoToMeeting (online meeting software) we suggest you download and test this meeting link well in advance. If you need any help in joining this meeting please call us at 080-49101303 or email: support@agricultureinformation.com

If you need an automatic reminder for this event please click on the WEBINAR CALENDAR link above and select the reminders for the events you are interested to attend.

More about Abdul Khadar and his business.


In this live discussion you will be able to ask questions related to bio fertilisers.

Please use this thread to ask all your questions related to Biofertilisers before and after the webinar. During the webinar the speaker will respond to all the questions posted on this thread. Even if you are unable to attend the meeting live you can ask your questions now for the speaker - just hit "reply" ask list your questions. We will also (if possible) make available a recorded version of the webinar for those of you who are unable to attend the meeting live.

I look forward to seeing you in the meeting.

Webinar Coordinator
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Senior Member
Organic Fertilisers - reg.

Dear sir,

Thanks for the opportunity given for the discussion. since we have some other appointments to-day, kindly Answer our following questions:

1) Bio fertilisers and promoters means which are all that? can u name it?

2) Is it necessery to combine both and apply to the plants ? individual application to the plants will not be effective?

3) We observe, in rural areas in summer blindly tons of lake bed mud will be dumped to all commercial gardens as well as to the open agricultural lands to enrich (believing and without any geting tested the lake bed mud). How much it is correct?

4) cow dung bio slurry and urine can be applied to the lands or garden i.e. coconut,mango,areca,banana,vegetables etc.,as a bio-fertilizer? what interevals,quantity is effective for the commercial crops as well as agricultural fields? Along with this what are all bio promoters tobe added for better results in what ratio?

5) how it should be applied for better results and utilisation by the plants?

6) Is it good to add any promoters adding to the Bio-slurry stored tanks itself or it should be added only at the time of application to the plant or fields?

thanks and regards,


You are invited to attend a webinar (live discussion) with Abdul Kadhar of SAFS Organic Enterprises, Puducherry

This talk will be about bio fertilisers and bio growth promoter products for agriculture and home gardens


How to attend this online meeting:

Date: April 18, 2013
Time: 2.30pm IST
Location: Online Meeting via GoToMeeting. Limited seats available. First come first serve only.

Meeting Link https://www1.gotomeeting.com/join/546849480

You will be connected to audio using your computer's microphone and speakers (VoIP). A headset is recommended.
Meeting ID: 546-849-480
Not at your computer? Click the link to join this meeting from your iPhone®, iPad® or Android® device via the GoToMeeting app.

If this is the first time you are using GoToMeeting (online meeting software) we suggest you download and test this meeting link well in advance. If you need any help in joining this meeting please call us at 080-49101303 or email: support@agricultureinformation.com

If you need an automatic reminder for this event please click on the WEBINAR CALENDAR link above and select the reminders for the events you are interested to attend.

More about Abdul Khadar and his business.


In this live discussion you will be able to ask questions related to bio fertilisers.

Please use this thread to ask all your questions related to Biofertilisers before and after the webinar. During the webinar the speaker will respond to all the questions posted on this thread. Even if you are unable to attend the meeting live you can ask your questions now for the speaker - just hit "reply" ask list your questions. We will also (if possible) make available a recorded version of the webinar for those of you who are unable to attend the meeting live.

I look forward to seeing you in the meeting.

Webinar Coordinator


Active Member
1. Ans: Bio Fertilizers are basic inoculate products for the plants required N P K to fix / solubilise naturally or biologically using bacteria’s. Growth regulators are the products to enable those bacteria’s to grow more in the soil to get a regulated growth of the plants.

Bio Fertilizers: Azospirillum, Phosphobacterium, potash Solubiliser, Silica Solubiliser and Zinc Solubiliser.

Growth Regulators: Bio Boost hum (Treated HA). Vermi Compost and Farmyard Manure.

2. Ans: Organic carbon items like Farm Yard Manure, Vermi Compost and Bio Boost Hum are the inputs required for the bacteria’s to multiple its own and get the naturally available minerals to plant . Combining both and apply will give better soil.

Individual application will take more time for the soil to become fertile

3. Ans: Lake Sediment Mud will have good organic matter level. Adding these muds into irrigation soil is a good Idea. Considering the present situation of Impurity Lake due to many aspects, it is good to test this mud in a lab before we apply into irrigation soil to protect from hazardous metals like lead or mercury.

4. Ans: Yes. Cow dung, cow urine are the key thing you need to keep applying it regularly for all the crops. Please don’t mix chemical and bio fertilizers together. Provide minimum gap of 7 days between chemical and bio fertilizers usage.

Bio Fertilizers can be mixed with the basic regulator of Farm yard Manure or vermi compost. Also use Bio Boost Hum as regulator to build soil fertility. Please contact me in safs.orgmm@gmail.com for more specific interval and Quantity.

5. Ans. Bio fertilizers can be mixed with Farm yard Manure or Vermi compost and applied into the soil. It can also be Mixed with Bio Boost Hum and water and send it through drip irrigation.

6. Ans: You can use compost enhancer product into slurry. Better to use Growth regulator during the application and not on the slurry.


Active Member
Here is the video of the presentation for those who could not attend.

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