Goat Farming in Tamil Nadu



New Member
I am planning to start a Goat Farm in Madurai. I would like to get some expert advice on the same
I am looking for few information like :

1) Land Requirement

2) For a start-up how many goats we need

3) What ratio of Male and Female is required.

4) What veriety would be suitable for Madurai region

5) Where i can buy goats for starting the farm

6) Specification for stage preparation and Desig.

Need your expert advise on the above topics. Please mail

Thanks & Best Regards
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Well-Known Member

Goat is the 1st domesticated animal in the ancient age and is a Poor Man's Cow.

Because the goat meat is lean & has low fat, it is liked by all. The demand of goat meat is increasing, even though the price is high.

They are profitable under stall fed condition.

They are Prolific. They give twins & triplets.

Capital Investment of purchase of Goats is very low. For a price of 1 cross-bred Cow, one can purchase 10 quality goats.

Goats & their kids can be sold and encashed anytime. They are like bearer blank cheques.

Goat has shorter period of pregnancy. (Short Gestation Period )

They are resistant to diseases. Since they are stall fed, the expenditure on Medication/ treatment is marginal.

Their population in the country is continuously increasing, though 60% of the goats are slaughtered every year.

Products available from Goats are MUTTON / MILK / MANURE / SKIN & LUSTROUS FINE HAIR.

Cognizable foreign exchange is available from export of live Goats/carcasses/goat meat/skin. The farmer is bringing additional fallow lands under cultivation. Cities & Villages are also expanding fast & because of this the grazing land is decreasing day by day.Therefore a necessity has arisen to continue to maintain the goats by way of Stall Fed System.

Total life of Goats = 15 years...Productive -- 7 years. Pregnancy Period {Total = 150 days } +/- 2 days.

Manure available from 1 adult goat in 24 hours - 1 kg...

Mortality in percentage overall is 3% {with proper management} The vaccination & deworming schedule to be followed strictly.

Indian meat is preferred in the world.

Please contact the following address for details

Barkur Kuradi Road,
Gudde Angadi,
Nadur Village,
Udipi District - 576223,
Mr. Stephen Kairanna
+91- 98199 58577
+91- 94484 58577
+91- 94820 10000



Senior Member
Goat farming

1- 1 acre for every 25 goats
2- Start with 25 and expand gradually
3- Kanniadu pure, kanniadu with boer, malabari or Osmanabadi or local
4- We can supply you

Shed facilities for 104 Goats

The area for the shed should be as follows (i.e. – 1456 Sq ft inside the Shed for protecting the animals against Robbers in Night, bad weather + 2912 Sq ft open space or paddock, this can be made use for feeding the Goats in hay racks, water and relaxing and For kids and doe a specific partitions has to be made as per requirements)
Inside shed- 14 Sq ft / Goat
Outside space- 28 Sq ft / Goat


New Member
Goat Farming in Madurai

Dear Gunalan

Am also hailing from madurai.
But goat farming establishment would be a easy practice if you are equipped with sufficient money , infrastructure setup only a challenging factor is the maintenance of the farm house & continuous follow-up visits on daily basis would help you this idea makes profitable.

to my opinion please try to have 'dedicated workforce' atleast 1 or 2 members
to takecare your farming is more important.

All the best.



Mr.Gunalan, Did you establish the goat farm? If so, you shall guide me
with your experience. I am also going to establish a goat farm near
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Active Member
Hi,We have answers for all your needs

We are in Goat farming Business for the past 5 years. We are the largest Breeders of Boer Goat breed in south India.
Our Services :
• Complete consultancy and In-farm training.
• Provide Excellent Boer and Malabari (Talicherry)Parent stock.
• Software for computerized Record Maintenance of Farm.

Contact us with following details:


Active Member
Info Hand Book & Financial Project report on Stall Fed Goat Farming Prepared on OCT 2012 Data (100+5)

Project value (100+5)

Investment Rs 16 Lakh (Even can start with 3.5 Lakh)
2nd Year Profit Minimum Rs 15 Lakh
Break Even Point Below 2 Year
Total Profit Minimum Rs 1.00 Crores in 6 years

Customized based on investment and also size of goat farm. Useful to new and existing farm owners.

Language: Simple English, Step by Step Procedure

Topics covered in Info Hand Book & Project Report

Introduction to Goat Farming
Why Goat Farming
Market Survey
Advantages and Disadvantages of Goat Farming
Types of Breed based on your locality

Land Requirement
Farm shed layout and material details
Other Building requirement is medicinal walk and bath
Equipment details with local equipment seller

Healthcare for Goat and Farm Workers
Vaccination Schedule
Types of disease
Disease identification and prevention
De-corning, De-worming and Tagging

3 types Feeds and Feeding Methods with Time
Feeding Ratio based on Age and Sex
Home made Concentrate feed making
Green Fodder cultivation step by step details
Other dry fodder details
Feed sellers (Even we teach making conc feed at home)

Goat and Breed selection
Mating steps and process
Full Breeding Cycle Month by Month Details
Pregnancy Management

Farm cleaning and Normal Practice in Farm
Workers daily working schedule in farm
Record Maintenance for extra profit
Insurance premium and Company details
Present farms list for free visit
Goat Training centers

Profit from Goats used for Breeding or Meat
Profit from Manure
Profit from Others

Economic Report Includes the following

Building cost
Equipment cost
Goat cost
Insurance cost
Veterinary cost
Green Fodder cost
Conc Feed cost
Salary and Maintenance

Total Project Cost
Total Turnover (Calculated on Both Breeding and Meat included)
Total Profit (Calculated on Both Breeding and Meat included)
Break even point
EMI and Interest repayment schedule
Finance and subsidy options
Stock value and depreciation
Cash flow and financial projection for 6 years

Hand Book & Project report cost : Rs 1000 (No Discount)
Delivery mode/Time: Email and in 24 to 48 hours

PM for Contact and Bank details and also for other queries.

Project Report with us: Dairy Farming | Hi-Tech Green House | Banana Cultivation | UHD Mango Farm | ETC


For madurai

It is good to start with 19 female + 1 male goat.
The female goat suitable for Madurai region may be tellichery, jamunabari or wild types temperature resistant breeds like kanni adu, kodi adu
The male may be Boer or tellichery or jamunabari.
The stall plat form may be atleast one meter above ground level
Wooden platforms with thatched shed is suitable choice (since Madurai is a hot place thatched roof will nullify the heat effects)
It is necessary to establi CO-4 grass intercropped with agathi and subabul. Buy a feed cutter to prevent feed loss.
Initially buy the concentrate mix feed from commercial and later may try to prepare your self.

To establish 19+1 or 18+2 unit approximate animal cost will be 1,00000
the shed, fodder growing cost will be 50000-100000.
Floating cost required for one year will be minimum 50000.
After one year you will enjoy profits.
It is inevitable to take intensive management for atleast one year. Don't fully depent on skilled labour.


New Member
which goat breed is best??

Hello Experts,

I'm Chennai and i've land of 5 acres. I'm depending on Chennai market for sell the goats.

I like to know which breeds is good for chennai climate(Hot), Disease resistant, weight and market.


kirti s

Well-Known Member
goat breeders

Dear sir,

. Southern penlmular region
The region comprises the states of Mabarashtra, Kamaiaka. Andbra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and some territories in the central region. It has about 30% of the total goat population of the country comprising Osmanabadi, Malbari, Sangamheri breeds.

1. Osmanabadi

Sl.No Size (average) Adult male Adult female
1 Body weight (kg) 34.00 32.00
1 Body length (cm) 68.0 66.0
3 Chest girth (cm) 72.0 71.0

b. Conformation
The goats are large in size, colour varies, but mostly it is black (73%) and the rest are white, brown or spotted. Ninety per cent males are homed, females may be homed or poled.

d. Performance
The breed is considered useful both for meat and milk. Average daily yield varies from 0.5 to 1.5 kg for a lactation length of about four months.

The dressings percentage varies from 45 to 50. In favourable conditions the does will breed regularly twice a year and twins are common.
2. Malbari
Malbari is also known as Telicherry, mostly reared at Calicut, Cannanore and Malapurarn districts of Kerala.

Sl.No Size (average) Adult male Adult female
1 Body weight (kg) 38.00 31.00
2 Body length (cm) 70.0 63.0
3 Chest girth (cm) 73.0 67.0

b. Conformation
The animals are medium in size. They have no uniform colour which varies from completely white to full black. About 30% goats are long haired. All males and a small number of females are bearded. Animals are medium sized, head with flat and occasional Roman nose and medium sized ears directed outward and downward.

c. Performance
The breed is reared mainly for meat purpose and their skin is popular with the tanning industry. The average milk yield of this breed is 100-190 kg with a lactation period of 180-210 days.

3. Sangamneri
Sangamneri breed is commonly found in Poona and Ahrnednagar districts of Mabarashtra.

8. Breed characteristics
Table 10: Breed characteristics (Sangamneri)

b. Conformation
Medium sized animals. They have no uniform colour, it varies from white, black or brown, with spots of other colours. Ears are drooping. Both sexes have horns directed backward and upward.

c. Performance
Average daily milk yield varies between 0.5 to 1.0 kg with an average lactation length of about 165 days. Dressing percentage is about 41% at6 months, 45% at 9 months and 46% at 12 months of age.


Kirti S


Well-Known Member
best breeding goat

Dear brnv ,
Osmanabadi goat breed is best coz, it gets easily adaptable to any climatic conditions.Starting a goat farm with osmanabadi goat breed is highly viable and most profitable as compare to other breeds.The main reason for this are-
1.High resistant power against diseases,so mortality rate is low as compare to other breed.
2.High yielding capacity of milk and kids.
3.Higher palatability of meat,with high protein content.
4.Eats any farm fodder
5.Cost of goat is low as compare to other breed like boer,sirohi,jamnapari etc.So its affordable breed.
6.No problem in marketing,as it has very high demand for meat and breeding purpose.


Dear sir,

. Southern penlmular region
The region comprises the states of Mabarashtra, Kamaiaka. Andbra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and some territories in the central region. It has about 30% of the total goat population of the country comprising Osmanabadi, Malbari, Sangamheri breeds.

1. Osmanabadi

Sl.No Size (average) Adult male Adult female
1 Body weight (kg) 34.00 32.00
1 Body length (cm) 68.0 66.0
3 Chest girth (cm) 72.0 71.0

b. Conformation
The goats are large in size, colour varies, but mostly it is black (73%) and the rest are white, brown or spotted. Ninety per cent males are homed, females may be homed or poled.

d. Performance
The breed is considered useful both for meat and milk. Average daily yield varies from 0.5 to 1.5 kg for a lactation length of about four months.

The dressings percentage varies from 45 to 50. In favourable conditions the does will breed regularly twice a year and twins are common.
2. Malbari
Malbari is also known as Telicherry, mostly reared at Calicut, Cannanore and Malapurarn districts of Kerala.

Sl.No Size (average) Adult male Adult female
1 Body weight (kg) 38.00 31.00
2 Body length (cm) 70.0 63.0
3 Chest girth (cm) 73.0 67.0

b. Conformation
The animals are medium in size. They have no uniform colour which varies from completely white to full black. About 30% goats are long haired. All males and a small number of females are bearded. Animals are medium sized, head with flat and occasional Roman nose and medium sized ears directed outward and downward.

c. Performance
The breed is reared mainly for meat purpose and their skin is popular with the tanning industry. The average milk yield of this breed is 100-190 kg with a lactation period of 180-210 days.

3. Sangamneri
Sangamneri breed is commonly found in Poona and Ahrnednagar districts of Mabarashtra.

8. Breed characteristics
Table 10: Breed characteristics (Sangamneri)

b. Conformation
Medium sized animals. They have no uniform colour, it varies from white, black or brown, with spots of other colours. Ears are drooping. Both sexes have horns directed backward and upward.

c. Performance
Average daily milk yield varies between 0.5 to 1.0 kg with an average lactation length of about 165 days. Dressing percentage is about 41% at6 months, 45% at 9 months and 46% at 12 months of age.


Kirti S
Goodmorning Kirti, Iam from Hyderabad A.P. we are interested Goat / ship farm. which farm is the best returns, easy maintenance and early returns. 100 or 200 nos is viable project or not? pl. send mail with full information about this both Farms Expenditure & returns statement. Thank You,
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hi Sir.
I am lakshman . sir u no need have land for green grass. we brought a new technology for growing green grass. it will be very help full to u sir. and u no need of labour also sir, for thousand kgs of grass one person is enough and it is very easy sir. and u can over come water problem also sir. just 750 liters is enough to produce 1000 kgs of grass.
For more details u can mail me sir

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Active Member
Hi mr Ghanta,
I am interested in knowing the details,kindly send me the details of setting up the unit and cost of the plant.
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New Member
I want to know about govt subsidy for goat farming?

I want to know about govt subsidy for goat farming and what is the cost to start?


Active Member

how much investment required how much land required i have a goat farm villupuram tamil nadu very much suffering to feed lakshmanan please kindly full details to my mail [gopakumar please sent your mb no to contact

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New Member

Hi lakshman,

Iam intrested, kindly provide me the details.
my no is nine nine four nine seven nine one six six one.

