hi...i want to grow pomegranate...could u please tell me where is the best place to grow pomegranates in india...i mean which state and what is the return that i can expect per acre after achieving full production?kindly guide me as im really interested in this at the earliest....
Hi !
Pomegranate comes up well in arid and semi arid tropics-with less water say in area where range of rainfall is between 600-750 m.m
Hot dry summer during flowering and fruit development ( more than 30 degree celsius)
soil PH between 5.5 to 7.0
well drained loam , sandy loam soil-proportionate amount of clay, sand, silt and gravel and other light soil
need organic matter of considerable quantity
During fruit development frequent light irrigation prevents fruit cracking . Minimum 10 litres of water /plant required
heavy rainfall area generally does not suit economic cultivation of pomegranate
Exposure to warm sun shine is necessary for good plant health and yield.
There are lot of clonal varieties and selection being under cultivation. eg., ganesh ...
But selection of varieties depends upon the location and climate
Escapement 3 M by 3 M=444 plants /acre
Yield expected is 8-10 MT/acre/ year
Training and pruning to allow fresh healthy shoots, remove old sick shoots and maintaining shape of pomegranate plant is a vital factor
Removal of suckers is also to be noted to allow healthy bearing stem...
As required by you , first ensure the place where you like to grow pomegranate ..
If the place you have once located suit pomegranate growth , then rest ( package of practices for pomegranate) you can learn by the time you undertake cultivation..
North karnataka, part of maharastra, gujarat, Andrapradesh and Tamilnadu is best for pomegranate cultivation though in other states also this fruit is being grown with little modification...
Best of luck