What are the procedure to get Farmer Certificate ?



New Member

How would like to know how and where to get Farmer certificate ?
I am from a small village, where we have few acres of land . Any pointers will help.


kirti s

Well-Known Member
hello sir
You will get the shetkari daakhla only if you have agricultural land in your name/Parents name(land which is used for bhaat sheti-,the 7/12 should mention that land is used for Bhaaat Sheti)). You have to make an application at Setu office,also give an affidavit saying you are a farmer-to the talati,,after which the talati will take your staement(jawab).
Once the above procedue is done you will be issued a Shetkari Daakhla(it is valid for one year-renewable)


New Member
As Kirti said you should produce all documents regarding your land and its 7/12 to your village's talathi office then you can get your farmer certificate from there.

farmers certificate


How would like to know how and where to get Farmer certificate ?
I am from a small village, where we have few acres of land . Any pointers will help.

Dear Sir.
If you are a resident of Maharashtra, the procedure is that you have to apply for
the farmers certificate in the tahasildar office of your taluka.You have attach original copy of the 7x12 extract to the application. You can recieve the certificate within 2 days.
