Please send details of exact location, nearby village. distance from main road toHI, We want to sell our 20 Acres Agriculture Land Near Thindivanam Near chennai// 120 Km from chennai and very Near to pondicherry// Contact Number
Please provide with more information...HI, We want to sell our 20 Acres Agriculture Land Near Thindivanam Near chennai// 120 Km from chennai and very Near to pondicherry// Contact Number
HI, We want to sell our 20 Acres Agriculture Land Near Thindivanam Near chennai// 120 Km from chennai and very Near to pondicherry// Contact Number
please giv ethe location and type of soil and water ,motor facility. I am from vanur.HI, We want to sell our 20 Acres Agriculture Land Near Thindivanam Near chennai// 120 Km from chennai and very Near to pondicherry// Contact Number
HIcan u provide me more details with price