Sagwan teak - gmelina arborea



New Member
I have two acres agriculture land near vikarabad in andhra pardesh,And i was planning to start the plantation of sagwan teak ( gmelina arborea ) on my two acres land, and i came to know that nearly 600 tress can be plant on one acrea area.
When i started the leveling the land and sent soil for test,
By some sources of people i came to know that we can easily grow the trees but the problem will be at the time of felling the trees, they said me i will not be able to harvest my tree which i grow on my own land, govt will stop me from cutting the sagwan tree.
Experts and to knowledegeble pepole i request to advise me.
What should be done to grow the plant, Do i need any approval from any govt organisation etc...
Your suggestion will be highly appreciated.

kirti s

Well-Known Member
hello sir

Gmelina arborea
Gamar survives upto a maximum temperature of 38°C to 48°C and in a minimum temperature of 30°F to over 60°F and needs a rainfall range of 750 mm to 4500 mm.

Soil: Gamar tree prefers moist fertile valleys and also grows on dry sandy or poor soils.

Silvicultural characters: A light demander and doesn’t stand bed drainage, moderately frost hardy and has good power of recovering and doesn’t stand excessive drought. It coppices very well and root suckers not observed.

Method of planting: Six month old seedlings are planted out with the ball of earth round the root portion of the seedlings and planting with root and shoot cutting has also been very successful.

pls contact the below for help

Managing Director,
Seven Hills Invitro Labs Pvt. Ltd.,
(Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory)
# 125, A.P. Sub Registrars Colony, Timminaidupalem,
Akkarampalli (P) Tirupati 517507
Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
Mobile: +91 9908286565,
Website : Seven Hills Invitro Labs Pvt. Ltd. Tirupati - - born for food and wood - -


New Member
hello sir

Gmelina arborea
Gamar survives upto a maximum temperature of 38°C to 48°C and in a minimum temperature of 30°F to over 60°F and needs a rainfall range of 750 mm to 4500 mm.

Soil: Gamar tree prefers moist fertile valleys and also grows on dry sandy or poor soils.

Silvicultural characters: A light demander and doesn’t stand bed drainage, moderately frost hardy and has good power of recovering and doesn’t stand excessive drought. It coppices very well and root suckers not observed.

Method of planting: Six month old seedlings are planted out with the ball of earth round the root portion of the seedlings and planting with root and shoot cutting has also been very successful.

pls contact the below for help

Managing Director,
Seven Hills Invitro Labs Pvt. Ltd.,
(Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory)
# 125, A.P. Sub Registrars Colony, Timminaidupalem,
Akkarampalli (P) Tirupati 517507
Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.
Mobile: +91 9908286565,
Website : Seven Hills Invitro Labs Pvt. Ltd. Tirupati - - born for food and wood - -
Thank you very much for your reply actually my question was not on what should be considered to grow the sagwan tree,
My question was can government or forestry or any govt department can come up with the objection to not cut the sagwan tree on my own land.


Senior Member
Gmelina arborea

G. arborea is not a rare tree if you get a cultivation certificate from VAO yiu can sell. you need to get transport permit from forest department. They will give. Gmelina arborea is medicinal tree. the root, bark and wood are used in dasamoola formula. you can sell it to country drug dealers.
I have two acres agriculture land near vikarabad in andhra pardesh,And i was planning to start the plantation of sagwan teak ( gmelina arborea ) on my two acres land, and i came to know that nearly 600 tress can be plant on one acrea area.
When i started the leveling the land and sent soil for test,
By some sources of people i came to know that we can easily grow the trees but the problem will be at the time of felling the trees, they said me i will not be able to harvest my tree which i grow on my own land, govt will stop me from cutting the sagwan tree.
Experts and to knowledegeble pepole i request to advise me.
What should be done to grow the plant, Do i need any approval from any govt organisation etc...
Your suggestion will be highly appreciated.
