I have two acres agriculture land near vikarabad in andhra pardesh,And i was planning to start the plantation of sagwan teak ( gmelina arborea ) on my two acres land, and i came to know that nearly 600 tress can be plant on one acrea area.
When i started the leveling the land and sent soil for test,
By some sources of people i came to know that we can easily grow the trees but the problem will be at the time of felling the trees, they said me i will not be able to harvest my tree which i grow on my own land, govt will stop me from cutting the sagwan tree.
Experts and to knowledegeble pepole i request to advise me.
What should be done to grow the plant, Do i need any approval from any govt organisation etc...
Your suggestion will be highly appreciated.
When i started the leveling the land and sent soil for test,
By some sources of people i came to know that we can easily grow the trees but the problem will be at the time of felling the trees, they said me i will not be able to harvest my tree which i grow on my own land, govt will stop me from cutting the sagwan tree.
Experts and to knowledegeble pepole i request to advise me.
What should be done to grow the plant, Do i need any approval from any govt organisation etc...
Your suggestion will be highly appreciated.