contact BPD unit, NIRJAFT
We want sugar mini plant set up for sugar cane grown on 2000 hectares. Kindly write details at
Please contact Business Planning & Development Unit of National Institute of Research in Jute & Allied Fibre Technology ( NIRJAFT ),Kolkata.It is a type of Agribusiness Incubation Centre under ICAR ( Indian Council of Agricultural Research ) in Agriculture and Allied Technology.We are committed to offer all kind of support to entrepreneurs interested in Agricultural sector.
As a part of our service we provide technology demonstration,consultancy services,training on selected technologies , bankable project profile writing , facilitation for financial assistance from financial institutions,technical assistance from scientist of ICAR institutes and assisting in marketing of products.
We also provide infrastructure support like office space,communication facilities , pilot plant and laboratory facilities.
For more details please visit Http://
ph.: +919433389579 ,email :