Buying Farm Lands - Questions & Answers

Dear Mr. Raghupathi,

If any person wants to sell the land, how can you help them?

I will be a link and coordinator between them. I will get the perfect and genuine market price and ensure proper paper work and money transfer before registration of sale deed.

As told by-
Mr. Raghupathi Venkatraman,
Govardhangiri Consultants

Purchasing an Agriculture land:-

Purchasing of Agriculture land .

There are three basic fundamental piller of farm Management. Land, Labor and Capital. Land is first pillar, without land we can’t think about the agriculture. Now a day’s land is associated with two sectors real estate sector and agriculture sector. Both are at different directions. Increasing cost of land due to the real estate industry, the agriculture sector is effecting adversely. The increasing cost of land is hitting the cost of production. The farmers are more interested in colonization and land selling instead of

Agriculture development.

The major consideration for Farm Land purchase.
Cost of Land
Productivity of land
Availability of water,
Distance from the approach road,
Climatic condition,
Extreme climatic conditions
Artificial Irrigation Facility
Crop Cycle
Water table
Distance from the costal area

Purchasing an Agriculture land:-

Purchasing of Agriculture land .

There are three basic fundamental piller of farm Management. Land, Labor and Capital. Land is first pillar, without land we can’t think about the agriculture. Now a day’s land is associated with two sectors real estate sector and agriculture sector. Both are at different directions. Increasing cost of land due to the real estate industry, the agriculture sector is effecting adversely. The increasing cost of land is hitting the cost of production. The farmers are more interested in colonization and land selling instead of

Agriculture development.

The major consideration for Farm Land purchase.
Cost of Land
Productivity of land
Availability of water,
Distance from the approach road,
Climatic condition,
Extreme climatic conditions
Artificial Irrigation Facility
Crop Cycle
Water table
Distance from the costal area
Dear Mr. Prajapat,

Thanks for the details you shared on buying land.

Here, Mr. Raghupathi Venkatraman from Govardhangiri Consultants adds -

For buyers:
1. Assess your physical capability before entering this field. Whether you body and health can permit the strain and energy that is required in agri farming. It will test your patience and make you feel disgusted at times but it is a very pleasing and rewarding one ultimately.
2. Ensure and accept that you can break even only with proper planning and adopting scientific farming methods over a period of 3-4 years.
3. Initial investment need not be more than 25 to 30lacs and buy a maximum of 6-8 acres.
If you have more money and wherewith all then go for integrated farming after consulting best experts in this field.
4. Ensure get the services of a broker firm and consult them before buying agri lands.
5. Have patience and good will with all whom you come across in this field. This is my personal experience.
6. Best of luck and good wishes.

For sellers:
1. Kindly hold your property for some time.
2. Farming and agriculture are going to be the future viable business in next 5 years. Unless you need funds for family needs don’t sell now.
3. Adopt more economical measures in agriculture.
4. Hold your stock and out put for an extended period and get better remunerative Price.
5. Indulge one male in your family in this field and educate him in this subject.
6. Bio and organic farming minimizes expenses and gives more yield. Switch to this and stop using fertilizers and pesticides. Grow profitable trees all around your field.

Dear Readers,

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Shweta - Editorial Team
